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Former (or subsequent) names

TZ LIMITED14/01/2004
CED AUSTRALASIA LIMITED23/12/200214/01/2004
CUC AUSTRALASIA LIMITED01/04/199325/11/1998
CUC AUSTRALIA LIMITED23/07/199201/04/1993

Shareholder links

Our website ranking of TZL: rating 4
(4 out of 5)



Computershare Melbourne
Yarra Falls, 452 Johnston Street, Abbotsford VIC 3067
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details

ISIN: AU000000TZL7
Address: Level 11, 1 Chifley Square, SYDNEY, NSW, AUSTRALIA, 2000
Tel:  (02) 9222 8890Fax: (02) 8208 9937

Date first listed: 22/01/1987

Sector: Capital Goods Industry Group: XNJ
Activities: Integrates sensors, software control, electronics and energy efficient electronic actuation into fastening and locking devices

News & Events

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the NSW Court of Criminal Appeal delivered its decision today in relation to the appeal against conviction and sentence lodged by former TZ Limited director Andrew Sigalla. The Court of Criminal Appeal dismissed the appeal against conviction but allowed the appeal against sentence, with Mr Sigalla's sentence being reduced to a term of imprisonment of nine years and six months with a non-parole period of five years and nine months. On 22 November 2016 Mr Sigalla was convicted of 24 counts of dishonestly using his position as a director of TZ Limited with the intention of directly or indirectly gaining an advantage for himself or a third party, contrary to s 184(2)(a) of the Corporations Act (16-402MR). Mr Sigalla had previously been sentenced to an effective total term of imprisonment of 10 years, with a non-parole period of six years (19-027MR). As a result of the Court's decision, his term of imprisonment and non-parole period have been reduced by six months and three months respectively.


we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 10


After being extradited to Australia from Thailand, John Falconer, the former director and chief financial officer of TZ Limited, has been charged with dishonest conduct and appeared before the Sydney Central Local Court.


The suspension of trading in the securities of TZ Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, following the Company's announcement in relation to a placement by the Company. Security Code: TZL


The securities of TZ Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement in relation to the Company's proposed capital raising. Security Code: TZL


The suspension of trading in the securities of TZ Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, following the Company's announcement in relation to an underwriting agreement for the exercise of the Company's quoted options. Security Code: TZL


TZ Limited ("TZL") advises that the exercise of options notice recently despatched to option holders contained an incorrect address. The notice generated by TZL's share registry incorrectly referred to "1 Chifley House" instead of "1 Chifley Square". If option holders wish to exercise their options, TZL confirms that the Exercise of Options Notice together with the attached cheque should be sent to: TZ Limited Level 11, 1 Chifley Square SYDNEY NSW 2000


The securities of TZ Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement in relation to the underwriting of the exercise of its quoted options. Security Code: TZL


board provides a lengthy update for shareholders - three autonomous business units are to be created


the suspension of trading in the securities of TZ Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, under listing rule 17.7 following the Company's compliance with Chapter 12 of the listing rules


under the terms of the Convertible Note Deed, the Company has issued a further 665,000 convertible notes ("Convertible Notes") to Sydcomp today


TZ Limited announces that it has today entered into a binding Memorandum of Understanding with QVT Fund LP and Quintessence Fund L.P. (collectively "QVT") pursuant to which QVT and TZL have agreed the terms of a proposed issue of senior unsecured convertible notes to QVT to enable TZL to raise $1,200,000 (the "Proposed Transaction"). Although the MOU is binding, it is subject to a number of conditions


under the terms of the Convertible Note Deed, the Company has issued a further 715,000 convertible notes to Sydcomp today


TZ LIMITED is removed from the All Ords Index


releases Chairman`s Address - 2009 Annual General Meeting and advises that all motions were carried as ordinary resolutions on a show of hands


the hearing date for the proceedings commenced by TZ Limited in the Supreme Court of New South Wales seeking the recovery of a material sum of damages from a former director of TZL has been altered by the court and is now fixed for two weeks commencing on 2 August 2010


TZ has proposed a debt for equity swap that will deliver a New York-based hedge fund 29-38 per cent of the company - subject to shareholder approval, TZ will issue QVT and its various funds 18.6 million shares in return for clearing half its $24 million debt and overdue interest payments


releases Preliminary Final Report


further clarification on the director's report - following the issuance of the announcement the Company has received several enquiries from shareholders in relation to the second paragraph of the section entitled "Moving Forward" on page 5 of the Directors' Report, as clarified by the Clarification. For the sake of clarity, the Company advises that the directors are targeting for cash flow from operations to be positive by the end of the second quarter of the financial year ending 30 June 2011, that is, prior to 1 January 2011, subject to the successful commercialisation of the Company's technologies and the successful raising of further capital


with reference to the second paragraph of the section entitled "Moving Forward" on page 5 of the Directors' Report, the Company advises, by way of clarification, that what the directors are targeting is for cash flow from operations to be positive by 30 June 2011, subject to the successful commercialisation of the Company's technologies and the successful raising of further capital


TZ Limited refers to its announcement on 15 December 2009 with respect to the date of its Annual General Meeting, which was to be held on Thursday, 18 February 2010. TZ Limited advises that due to delays in finalising and printing the Notice of Annual General Meeting over the holiday period, the date of the Annual General Meeting has been postponed. As required under Listing Rule 3.13.1, TZ Limited provides notice that its Annual General Meeting in respect of the financial year ended 30 June 2009 will now be held on Friday, 26 February 2010


Andrew Sigalla has been found to be in contempt of court following his involvement in the sale of an industrial property owned by a family company, according to The Australian newspaper - Sigalla was chairman of TZ Ltd and also previously sat on the board of Consolidated Gaming, which became Betcorp and was put into liquidation


ASIC have now consented to the removal of Mr. Taylor and BDO Audit (NSW-VIC) Pty Ltd has been appointed auditor of the Company, effective immediately


TZ Limited provides notice that its Annual General Meeting in respect of the financial year ended 30 June 2009 will be held on Thursday, 18 February 2010. Shareholders will receive further details in the Notice of Annual General Meeting in due course


advises that the first ranking charge over all of the assets of TZL (other than TZL shares in its subsidiaries Product Development Technologies Inc. and PDT Holdings, Inc.) that had been granted by TZL in favour of TZ Resurgence Nominees Pty Limited has now been released in full with the consent of all parties


company provides an update - as a result of negotiations between the current board of directors of TZL and QVT, on 18 June 2009, TZL and QVT agreed a moratorium on the payment of the above amounts to allow the negotiation of a workout plan for the repayment of the moneys payable to QVT - QVT and TZL have now agreed on a workout plan for the repayment of the interest that was payable on 31 December 2008 (the "2008 Interest Payment"), the interest that will be payable to QVT on 31 December 2009 for the 2009 calendar year (the "2009 Interest Payment") and part of the outstanding principal owing under the Convertible Note and Option Deed


company provides an operational update


TZ Limited (the "Company") refers to its announcement on 16 July 2009 with respect to the convertible note subscription deed (the "Convertible Note Deed") between the Company, TZ Resurgence Nominees Pty Ltd ("Resurgence") and QVT Fund LP and Quintessence Fund L.P. ("QVT"). Under the terms of the Convertible Note Deed, the Company has borrowed a further $80,000 from Resurgence and in exchange issued a further 80,000 convertible notes ("Convertible Notes") to Resurgence today


TZ Limited (ASX code: TZL) has received a claim from lawyers acting for a previous director of TZL, Mr Andrew Sigalla. The claim is for a sum of A$1,160,000 plus health care and related Visa costs which Mr Sigalla claims is owing to him and ZMS Investments Pty Limited under a Deed of Release allegedly entered into by him, TZL and Telegygology Inc on 2 June 2009 in connection with his resignation and retirement as a director of TZL and its subsidiaries


TZL and QVT Fund LP and Quintessence Fund LP (together "QVT") have agreed to further extend the date by which the outstanding interest due to QVT on the convertible notes held by QVT is to be paid, from 22 July 2009 to the close of business on 27 July 2009 (Sydney time). This extension is to allow QVT to consider further financial information which has been prepared by TZL and delivered to QVT


TZ Limited (the "Company") refers to its announcement yesterday with respect to the convertible note subscription deed (the "Convertible Note Deed") between the Company, TZ Resurgence Nominees Pty Ltd ("Resurgence") and QVT Fund LP and Quintessence Fund L.P. ("QVT"). Under the terms of the Convertible Note Deed, the Company has borrowed a further $365,000 from Resurgence and in exchange issued 365,000 convertible notes ("Convertible Notes") to Resurgence


TZ Limited (the "Company") announces that it has signed a convertible note subscription deed (the "Convertible Note Deed") with TZ Resurgence Nominees Pty Ltd ("Resurgence") and QVT Fund LP and Quintessence Fund L.P. ("QVT"). Under the terms of the Convertible Note Deed, the Company has borrowed the sum of $913,000 from Resurgence and in exchange issued 913,000 convertible notes ("Convertible Notes") to Resurgence. It is expected that further moneys will be borrowed from Resurgence during the course of the next 2 weeks (approximately $450,000) and a corresponding number of further Convertible Notes will be issued to Resurgence


capital raising discussions as yet incomplete


shares suspended from quotation


we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 5


shares reinstated to quotation


name changed from CED Australasia Limited


shares remain suspended



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    ASX, Legal & CGT Status

    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    25/03/2024John D'Angelo297,190$0.023$6,687
    27/06/2023John D'Angelo150,000$0.025$3,750
    12/05/2023John D'Angelo200,000$0.026$5,200
    24/03/2023John D'Angelo160,571$0.040$6,423
    12/12/2022John D'Angelo50,000$0.080$4,000

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)

    Peter GrahamChairman01/10/2019
    John WilsonCEO01/09/2017
    John D'AngeloNon Exec Director06/10/2020
    Simon WhiteNon Exec Director26/08/2021
    Mathew WatkinsCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Cary StynesNon Exec Director01/02/202320/02/2024
    Duncan McCullochNon Exec Director15/09/202231/01/2023
    Mario VecchioCEO01/05/201830/01/2023
    Scott BeetonManaging Director, CEO06/03/202017/09/2021
    Thierry DenisIndependent Director01/05/201831/03/2020
    Graham LenznerChairman08/09/201729/11/2019
    Mark BourisNon Exec Chairman18/06/200920/11/2018
    Paul CaseyNon Exec Director27/05/201311/10/2017
    Kenneth TingExecutive Director18/06/200904/09/2017
    Dickory RudduckExecutive Director14/05/201027/05/2013

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.