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Personal tax rates in Australia 2010-14



Taxation of Individuals


Personal tax rates excluding the medicare levy (which is usually an additional 1.5%). Non-residents do not pay the Medicare Levy.



Taxable Income








Year to 30 June 2010






Up to $6,000



$6,001 - $35,000

NIL + 15%


$35,001 - $80,000

$4,350 + 30%

$10,150 + 30%

$80,001 - $180,000

$17,850 + 38%

$23,650 + 38%

Over $180,000

$55,850 + 45%

$61,650 + 45%




Year to 30 June 2011






Up to $6,000



$6,001 - $37,000

NIL + 15%


$37,001 - $80,000

$4,650 + 30%

$10,730 + 30%

$80,001 - $180,000

$17,550 + 37%

$23,630 + 37%

Over $180,000

$54,550 + 45%

$60,630 + 45%




Year to 30 June 2012






Up to $6,000



$6,001 - $37,000

NIL + 15%


$37,001 - $80,000

$4,650 + 30%

$10,730 + 30%

$80,001 - $180,000

$17,550 + 37%

$23,630 + 37%

Over $180,000

$54,550 + 45%

$60,630 + 45%




Year to 30 June 2013






Up to $18,200



$18,201 - $37,000

NIL + 19%


$37,001 - $80,000

$3,572 + 32.5%


$80,001 - $180,000

$17,547 + 37%

$26,000 + 37%

Over $180,000

$54,547 + 45%

$63,000 + 45%




Year to 30 June 2014
Up to $18,200 NIL 32.5%
$18,201 - $37,000 NIL + 19% 32.5%
$37,001 - $80,000 $3,572 + 32.5% 32.5%
$80,001 - $180,000 $17,547 + 37% $26,000 + 37%
Over $180,000 $54,547 + 45% $63,000 + 45%



The above rates don't include Medicare Levy, which is applied on a progressive basis at the additional rate of 1.5%, or 2.5% if eligible private health insurance cover is not maintained. There are low income and other full or partial exemptions available.

Non-residents do not pay the Medicare Levy.

2013 - along with the increase in "nil tax" threshold to $18,200, the Low Income Tax Offset "LITO" has been reduced to $445. The combined effect is that no tax is payable up to an income of $20,542.

2014 - The Low Income Tax Offset (“LITO”) full amount in 2013-14 is $445 reducing by 1.5 cents in the dollar, for every dollar of income over $37,000 such that it cuts out at $66,667. The effect is that no tax is payable up to an income of $20,542.


Other Tax Changes for 2013-14

  • Super guarantee contributions increase to 9.25% from 1 July 2013
  • Removal of super guarantee upper age limit from 1 July 2013
  • Superannuation Contribution Caps lift to $35,000 for older Australians - the concessional contributions cap will be lifted to
    • $35,000 unindexed for people aged 60 and over (up from the current level of $25,000) from 1 July 2013, and
    • $35,000 unindexed for those aged 50 and over from 1 July 2014
      • (This is a reversal of the previous commitment to restore the cap to $50,000 for the over 50s from 1 July 2014. The general cap will converge by indexation towards the same figure and is expected to reach $35,000 by the 2018 year.) 





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