InvestoGain Australia


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Find any Australian or New Zealand company or fund (dead or alive) by using SEARCH above or go directly to the site:


deListed and InvestoGain acknowledge the support of ASX and ASA:


Australian Securities Exchange
Australian shareholders association

Managed funds starting with 0-9

This is a current list of Australian managed funds that are either open, suspended or closed. Investors in these funds who have lost touch with their investment, should utilize our unclaimed search facility here:

Managed FundReferenceStatus
10Invest Vanguard Growth Index LIF7241AU Open
12 Month Term Account LTC0002AU Open
123 Investment and Growth Fund ETL0479AU Open
1851 Emerging Companies Fund PIM5565AU Open
188 Cash Account SLT0047AU Open
188 Universal Account SLT0044AU Open
2 Year Account LTC7657AU Open
21st Century Renaissance Gold & Metals Unit Trust 40001 Open
21st Century Renaissance Income Unit Trust 40002 Open
21st Century Renaissance Performance Unit Trust 40003 Open
33 Park Road No. 2 Sub-Trust BFA8079AU Open
333 Exhibition Street Property Fund PLL2183AU Open
360 Capital Cardioscan Trust TFG4147AU Open
360 Capital Private Credit Fund TFG9701AU Open
4 Year Account MFL0001AU Open
442 Capital Emerging Companies Fund FFT0505AU Open
4D Emerging Markets Infrastructure Fund BFL7394AU Open
4D Global Infrastructure Fund BFL0019AU Open
4D Global Infrastructure Fund (AUD Hedged) BFL3306AU Open
55 Elizabeth Street (Brisbane) Fund ELA9211AU Open
6 Month Notice Account LTC4034AU Open
75 Crown St Fund CPG0231AU Closed
8IP Australian Small Companies Fund FHT0012AU Open
8IP Australian Small Companies Fund - Class B ETL2150AU Open
90 Day Notice Account LTC9067AU Open

Thank you for the wonderful service you provide through your website. I've had the pleasure of selling a parcel of shares: easy, efficient, and very cost-effective. And I especially like the super-easy way your site allows me to chase up companies' various name changes, and so remain up-to-date.
I Brandli, Coffs Harbour NSW

…out of all the exchanges that I do research for, your particular web site makes finding information so easy. I wish the rest of the world would follow your footsteps. Reuters

Thank you so much for assisting with this. I contacted the registry today and they did confirm there are …… shares [value: $42,000] in my sister’s name. I have put ......... in contact with them so she can update her address and will thereafter be able to claim the dividends [value: $3764] and sell her shares if she chooses. We really appreciate your help, this money will be of huge assistance to ..... What a fantastic service you provide.