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Depending on how serious you are about investing and how much you are investing, we recommend you purchase a subscription to a relevant investment or business magazine.
We suggest you consider:
Smart Investor Magazine
Financial Review Smart Investor magazine is a useful tool for active Australian investors seeking information and analysis aimed at wealth creation and financial security. It features independent commentary and strategies from Financial Review Group experts, in-depth coverage of all asset classes and analysis of emerging trends.
Money Magazine
Money magazine helps you manage your finances by cutting through the jargon to deliver clear and precise information. Each issue features well-researched reports and advice from some of Australia’s respected financial writers including Paul Clitheroe and Ross Greenwood.
Investment Magazine
Investment Magazine provides in-depth, monthly analysis of trends and developments for all the businesses in which superannuation funds engage – including asset allocation, investment manager selection, custody and fund accounting, member administration, group insurance and compliance. The business of doing business with super funds is also covered, with all of the challenges facing funds managers, asset consultants, third-party investment administrators, member administrators, group insurers and software suppliers to all of these receiving regular column inches.