Any AUS or NZ company
Find any Australian or New Zealand company or fund (dead or alive) by using SEARCH above or go directly to the site:
We value your patronage, particularly if you are one of the large number of regular users of our existing website, first launched in 2002.
What's old
All the company data remains and is accessible as it was previously. You can search on any company, at any site, by NAME or CODE and go straight to the record.
and What's new !!!
Four websites operating as one, with content specific to whether the entity is AUS or NZ, dead or alive.
SEARCH on name or code at any site for any company.
SEARCH on name at any site for any managed fund, open, closed or terminated.
Company data now includes current share prices, market announcements and former directors (progressively).
Facility to post your comments to any company or fund record.
Easy BROWSE of all entities relevant to the site.
Seamless connection between past and present.
Managed funds; open, closed and terminated. Data being added progressively.
Membership; free, prepaid and full to cater for both investors and professional users.
RSS for members to monitor company news and directors' transactions.
Historical share prices including where both company names and codes have changed.
Downloadable tables, lists and files of historical data for researchers and professionals.
Shopping cart, investment products (to be added progressively).