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Directors' Transactions

See notes below for why you should follow directors' transactions

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Latest director's on-market sharePurchases and Sales

POWERHOUSE VENTURES LIMITED (PVL)James Kruger18 Oct 24125,000 $0.074$9,270
ADVANCE ZINCTEK LIMITED (ANO)Lev Mizikovsky17 Oct 241,417 $0.760$1,077
KORVEST LTD (KOV)Warrick Ranson17 Oct 241,634 $9.950$16,258
TEAMINVEST PRIVATE GROUP LIMITED (TIP)Regan Passlow17 Oct 2410,600 $1.400$14,840
TEAMINVEST PRIVATE GROUP LIMITED (TIP)Howard Coleman17 Oct 2415,197 $1.380$20,972
SHAPE AUSTRALIA CORPORATION LIMITED (SHA)Jane Lloyd17 Oct 245,000 $2.790$13,950
WISETECH GLOBAL LIMITED (WTC)Richard White17 Oct 24-351,058 $131.220$46,065,831
WISETECH GLOBAL LIMITED (WTC)Maree Isaacs17 Oct 24-31,220 $131.220$4,096,688
CLIME INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LTD (CIW)John Abernethy17 Oct 2475,000 $0.348$26,090
VENUS METALS CORPORATION LIMITED (VMC)Matthew Hogan17 Oct 2475,000 $0.054$4,091
BKI INVESTMENT COMPANY LIMITED (BKI)David Hall16 Oct 24125,000 $1.735$216,875
LOCALITY PLANNING ENERGY HOLDINGS LIMITED (LPE)Simon Tilley16 Oct 24200,000 $0.162$32,352
NETWEALTH GROUP LIMITED (NWL)Davyd Lewis16 Oct 24-17,750 $28.169$499,990
ILLUMINATOR INVESTMENT COMPANY LIMITED (IIC)Steven Pritchard16 Oct 2414,793 $0.256$3,790
RIO TINTO LIMITED (RIO)Dean Dalla Valle15 Oct 24416 $121.930$50,723
360 CAPITAL GROUP (TGP)Tony Pitt15 Oct 24135,834 $0.632$85,793
PATRIOT LITHIUM LIMITED (PAT)Hugh Warner15 Oct 241,000,000 $0.049$49,000
PARADIGM BIOPHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED.. (PAR)Paul Rennie15 Oct 24245,300 $0.207$50,835
VENUS METALS CORPORATION LIMITED (VMC)Matthew Hogan15 Oct 24125,000 $0.055$6,888


Directors' on-market share transactions


Our website shows:

tick   the last 20 transactions reported through ASX (as above). Very small transactions are ignored.

tick   the last five on-market share dealings by directors on a company-by-company basis. (find these by searching on the company)


Directors buying - what does it mean?

A director buying is probably a better indicator of a potential rise in value than a sale is of a potential fall in value. It is hard to imagine a director buying a significant parcel of shares on-market in the knowledge that they may lose value. Rather, they think the stock is undervalued and they expect it to go up. The bigger the purchase, the better the indication, and more so if it adds to an already large holding.


Directors selling - not so critical

A sale should not necessarily be cause for alarm as there are any number of good reasons for a director to sell. They may wish to diversify their holdings, buy their spouse a car, pay off a mortgage or purchase a home.

Having said that, we are wary when an individual director, or a number of directors, are selling down over a period of time. That may be an indication of a potential fall in value. Sales by directors where key executives are departing the company are another thing to watch for. We also often see a greater number of director sales when a stock looks expensive.


How to respond to the buying and selling

On balance it is preferable to see a director buying rather than selling shares on-market.

But there is no hard evidence (to our knowledge) that suggests you should blindly follow directors' share transactions. Watch for patterns. Look at the circumstances. Does the stock look cheap and may that be the reason for a buy. Conversely are directors selling a bit more often when a stock appears to be expensive?

We carry these transactions for the purpose of serving as a guide to buying or selling your own shares. But remember there are other very significant indicators such as a good record of earnings, solid balance sheet, company prospects, competent management etc, etc.


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