Any AUS or NZ company
Find any Australian or New Zealand company or fund (dead or alive) by using SEARCH above or go directly to the site:
Selling is simple, knowing when to, is tough.
The act of selling:
To sell your shares, you will need to contact your sharebroker or financial adviser. If you do not have a broker, you can obtain details of brokers in your area here.
If you have no current broking account and no intention of acquiring other shares, a one-off sale can be made. You can talk to any broker and provide them with the relevant holding details, Securityholder Reference Number (SRN), photo I.D. and bank account details and the transaction can be completed.
Selling worthless shares: If you have worthless shares to sell, that can be achieved here.
When should I sell?
Selling is a vital step in the process of managing a share portfolio.
If you are monitoring that portfolio closely you will improve your chances of selling at the right time.
Monitoring should tell you:
Whether the reasons why you bought the shares in the first place still exist.
Whether the underlying business continues performing.
Whether the company still has prospects.
Whether the share price is well above (or well below) the real worth of the company.
Also consider these points: