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deListed and InvestoGain acknowledge the support of ASX and ASA:


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Company websites


How do we rate websites?

Our website rating is based on the availability of key up-to-date shareholder information, namely:

 An investor or shareholder centre. (see below for details)

 Annual reports. (see below for details)

 Announcements to the stock exchange. (see below for details)

 An email contact. (see below for details)

While we acknowledge websites have a wide audience and there are huge disparities in resources and abilities among listed companies, we believe all shareholders should have easy access to at least the above features. We have allocated one star to each company with a website and an additional star for each of the above.

Some companies do not have a website and get no stars and some have all the desirable features and therefore get five stars.

A webpage that is not being updated has been ignored. Companies have not been given credit for providing other valuable information on websites and nothing we say here should discourage that. In our view there is some correlation between our rating and the overall quality of a website. But there are exceptions, with some sites receiving a low rating, despite the fact they have other commendable features.


Improve your website rating

To qualify for a top rating, all a company needs is a website with separate web pages that are maintained and can be readily accessed, as follows:


1. An investor or shareholder centre

A separate webpage that either contains substantive and up to date information for shareholders (such as registry details, investment highlights, financial information, dividends, dividend policy, capital structure, key dates, brokers’ reports ) or is at the very least a focal point from which shareholders can readily access related web pages such as the above and including announcements and financial reports etc.

Here is a good example


2. Annual reports

A separate webpage that shows the annual reports for each year (latest first) that can be downloaded; even better if half yearly and quarterly reports can be accessed from the same page. Having the size of the file is useful.

Here is a good example


3. Announcements to the stock exchange

A separate webpage that lists the announcements to the market (latest first), and provides a downloadable copy of the full announcement. Having the size of the file is also useful. The provision of a link to a stock exchange site does not qualify.

Here is a good example


4. An email contact

Preferably this should be the email address for the function* of investor relations within the company or the function* of company secretary. The recipient should have authority to deal with shareholder matters. A contact form on the website does not qualify.

* The function rather than an individual, as people come and go.


Company Action

A company wishing to upgrade its rating should email to, no less and preferably no more than the following:

Subject: “Company name” (“Exchange Code”) - Website upgrade


Website “URL”
Investor or Shareholder centre “URL”
Annual reports “URL”
Announcements to ASX “URL”
Email contact “Email address”



Thank you for the wonderful service you provide through your website. I've had the pleasure of selling a parcel of shares: easy, efficient, and very cost-effective. And I especially like the super-easy way your site allows me to chase up companies' various name changes, and so remain up-to-date.
I Brandli, Coffs Harbour NSW

…out of all the exchanges that I do research for, your particular web site makes finding information so easy. I wish the rest of the world would follow your footsteps. Reuters

Thank you so much for assisting with this. I contacted the registry today and they did confirm there are …… shares [value: $42,000] in my sister’s name. I have put ......... in contact with them so she can update her address and will thereafter be able to claim the dividends [value: $3764] and sell her shares if she chooses. We really appreciate your help, this money will be of huge assistance to ..... What a fantastic service you provide.