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Former (or subsequent) names

BPH ENERGY LTD24/12/2010
BPH CORPORATE LTD10/02/201024/12/2010

Shareholder links

Our website ranking of BPH: rating 4
(4 out of 5)



Security Transfer Australia Pty Ltd
No longer operating

Company details

Address: 2 Boans Lane , EAST PERTH , WA, AUSTRALIA, 6004
Tel:  (08) 9218 9422Fax: (08) 9244 9782

Date first listed: 06/08/2004

Sector: Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology Industry Group: XHJ
Activities: Product development and commercialisation of biomedical technologies

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name changed to BPH Corporate Ltd


we understand that on or about this date the company made an in specie distribution of 1 share in MDSystems for every 1 share in the company


securities reinstated to quotation


we understand that on or about this date the company made an in specie distribution of 1 share in Cortical Dynamics for every 1 share in the company


securities suspended from quotation following failure to lodge financial statements for the period to 30 June 2007


securities reinstated to quotation


securities suspended from quotation following failure to lodge its preliminary final report


securities reinstated to quotation


shares suspended from quotation



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Cannot see any up to date information of BPH. No tradind for weeks as far as I can see. What has happened?

08/06/2020 12:39:49

Breeze does not appear to have the ability to run the company at a profit. Directors have come and gone, presumably because of his inability. Deborah Ambrosini is no longer a director so Breeze is MD and Company Secretary. Cannot see any future in the company as long as Breeze is MD.

30/01/2018 15:52:02

?I was mislead about price and closing date of the new issue on 6/12/10 and was told by breeze hed put 825000 his own money into this company so Ive lost even morso then the other man here Id say

15/06/2016 14:01:49
Quite agree with the comments 20/06/13. I purchased shares on day one of issue. Some time ago they decided, in their wisdom, to take 50% of my shares in anticipation of share price rising to 20c, the original purchase price. Shares nosedived again yet for some reason they decided to give the directors millions of shares when they have not earned them. Just wonder if they will ever market their BAR machine or whether they have any idea how to do it. 12/08/2015 15:07:40
Just wondering if BPH will ever market any of their research projects. I purchased shares on day one of issue at 20c per share. Since then the shares have nosedived at an exponential rate and are now valued at 001c. We have not received one cent on our investment.There have been trials and research carried out by numerous universities and hospitals yet nothing appears to happen. Pointless selling the shares as they are currently worthless.
20/06/2013 15:20:02

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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)


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    Directors & Executives (current)

    David BreezeChairman, Managing Director
    Peter KingCEO
    Hock GohNon Exec Director
    Deborah AmbrosiniDirector, Company Secretary
    Sam GallagherDirector
    Greg GilbertDirector

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)


    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.