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09 September 2024
Name: | RED GUM RESOURCES LIMITED (RGX) (This company subsequently changed its name to MCS SERVICES LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Status.) | ||||||
Date of Listing: | 17 January 2012 | ||||||
Subsequent Names: |
Stock Exchange Status: (updated daily)
This company subsequently changed its name to MCS SERVICES LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Stock Exchange Status.Legal Status: (updated monthly)
This company subsequently changed its name to MCS SERVICES LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Legal Status.Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status: (updated at least quarterly)
This company subsequently changed its name and is now MCS SERVICES LIMITED. You should refer to that name for Capital Gains Tax Status.
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MCS SERVICES LIMITED | 24/12/2015 | |
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name changed to MCS Services Limited | 24/12/2015 |
Red Gum Resources Limited (Company) is pleased to confirm that it has completed the acquisition of MCS Security Group Pty Limited and John Boardman Pty Limited (Acquisitions) as approved by Shareholders of the Company 28 October 2015 by way of General Meeting. | 18/12/2015 |
The company releases the results of its annual general meeting. | 26/11/2015 |
Red Gum Resources Limited (Company) is pleased to announce the $4.5 million capital raise detailed in the prospectus dated 26 October 2015 (Prospectus) has been completed heavily oversubscribed with cleared funds on trust. | 10/11/2015 |
The company lodges its Activities Report & Cash Flow Statement For the 3 months ending 30 September 2015. | 29/10/2015 |
Red Gum Resources Limited (Company) is pleased to provide the results of the Company's General Meeting held today in relation to the Notice of Meeting dispatched to shareholders 29 September 2015 | 28/10/2015 |
The securities of Red Gum Resources Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from the commencement of trading tomorrow, Wednesday, 28 October 2015 pending the outcome of a resolution at the Company's general meeting to approve a change in the scale and nature of the Company's activities. The Company's securities will remain suspended pending compliance with Chapters 1 and 2 of the Listing Rules. Security Code: RGX | 27/10/2015 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Red Gum Resources Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, following the Company's announcement in relation to the proposed disposal of mining assets and ongoing discussions in regard to new opportunities. Security Code: RGX | 16/03/2015 |
the Company is currently in negotiations with a number of potential bidders for the acquisition of all or some of its mining assets located in Peru and Chile. The parties are aware that any decision to proceed with one or more of these proposals may however be subject to receiving any necessary shareholder approvals, and compliance with any applicable ASX requirements | 02/03/2015 |
The Board wishes to advise that the Company's proposed acquisitions of Holiday Planet, Asia Escape and Motive Travel ("the Acquisitions") will not be proceeding | 13/02/2015 |
On 12 November 2014 the Company announced that a Prospectus had been lodged with the ASIC and the ASX for an offer of up to 25,000,000 shares in the Company to raise up to $5,000,000, and to re-comply with Chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules ("the Offer"). Subsequently a Supplementary Prospectus was lodged on 22 November 2014 following a re-negotiation with the Vendors of the terms of the acquisitions of Holiday Planet, Asia Escape and Motive Travel ("the Acquisitions"). The Offer was due to close last Friday and the Company is pleased to advise that the minimum subscription of $3,000,000 had been achieved. However ASIC has now advised the Company that it is of the view that more recent audited historical financial information should be provided in the Prospectus in respect to the Acquisitions, and accordingly has ordered the Company not to make offers of securities under the Prospectus so long as that order is in place. The Company and its advisers are working hard to resolve the technical issues raised by ASIC and expect to do so in the near future. In order to allow that process to take place the Board has resolved to extend the Closing Date of the Prospectus to 11 February 2015 (subject to obtaining any approvals which may be required, following the delay to the proposed date for reinstatement on ASX). The Company anticipates that it may be necessary to issue a further Supplementary Prospectus including additional information, to address the concerns raised by ASIC | 27/01/2015 |
The Company has written to shareholders to remind them that they can participate in the Company's current Capital Raising for the Australian Travel Group Transaction, and apply for additional shares with free attaching options (on a one for two basis), without needing to pay any brokerage. Applications from existing shareholders received by 20 January 2015 will receive priority | 12/01/2015 |
the consolidation ("or re-organisation") of the Company's securities on the basis of one new security for each forty four securities held prior to the re-organisation, has been completed, and any fractional entitlements have been rounded up in accordance with the shareholders' approval at the resumed EGM held on 18 December 2014 | 30/12/2014 |
the proposed Consolidation (or "re-organisation") of the Company's securities on the basis of one new security for each forty four securities held prior to the re-organisation, was approved at the resumed Extraordinary General Meeting held today, the 18 December 2014 | 18/12/2014 |
At the extraordinary general meeting of Red Gum Resources Limited (to be renamed "Australian Travel Group Limited") (ACN 119 641 986) (Company) held at 9:30am (WST) on 27 November 2014 at Level 3, London House, 216 St Georges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia (Meeting), Shareholders resolved to adjourn the meeting in order for the Company to amend certain Resolutions contained in the original Notice of General Meeting dated 20 October 2014 | 10/12/2014 |
The Board of Directors of Red Gum Resources Limited wish to advise that a Supplementary Prospectus to the Prospectus lodged on 22 November 2014 for an Offer of up to 25,000,000 shares in the Company to raise up to $5,000,000, and to re-comply with Chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules, was lodged with ASIC yesterday and the Offer remains open. The Supplementary Prospectus has also been lodged with the ASX and is now available to download from the Company's web site via the following link: | 05/12/2014 |
the terms for the acquisition of Holiday Planet, Asia Escape and Motive Travel have now been varied by agreement between the parties, to allow for a change in the proposed consolidation ratio of the Company's issued capital from 1:25 to 1:44 (subject to shareholder approval at the Company's adjourned Extraordinary General Meeting ( | 04/12/2014 |
The securities of Red Gum Resources Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately under listing rule 17.2, at the request of the Company, pending the negotiations in relation to the changes to the terms of the share sale agreements, and the release of an announcement in respect of the results of the Company's adjourned extraordinary general meeting | 01/12/2014 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Red Gum Resources Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, following the Company's announcement in relation to the proposed capital raising and the appointment of a new director. Security Code: RGX | 03/03/2014 |
Red Gum Resources Limited ("Red Gum" or "Company") advises that the Company has entered into a mandate with DJ Carmichael Pty Limited ("DJ Carmichael") to undertake and underwrite a pro rata renounceable entitlement issue on the basis of two (2) new shares for every three (3) shares on issue at an issue price of $0.003 per share, together with one (1) free option for each four (4) new shares issued, to raise approximately $650,000 | 24/02/2014 |
advises two clarifications for the Activities Report released on 3 February 2014 | 12/02/2014 |
Red Gum Resources Limited wishes to announce that it is in discussions with DJ Carmichael Pty Ltd to assist the Company with its immediate funding requirements. This follows the inability to finalise a legally binding loan agreement, within a suitable timeframe, with East Coast entities as anticipated by the Company "“ as announced on the 3rd February 2014. Accordingly, the Company intends to remain in voluntary suspension pending its ability to announce details of this funding package, once finalised, on or before the 24th February 2014 | 10/02/2014 |
company announces that it is currently negotiating a funding agreement with Sanston Securities Australia Pty Ltd (Sanston). It is intended that this funding agreement will provide working capital and fund due diligence involving the proposed strategic alliance with Rio Perdido Copper Limited, which the Company anticipates will be finalised shortly | 28/01/2014 |
In accordance with Listing Rule 17.2 the Company requests continuation of the voluntary suspension of its securities to commence at market open today, January 20, 2014. The Company is continuing with negotiations in respect to the proposed sale of its Peruvian assets and the proposed strategic alliance, as announced to the market on 6 January 2014. Further, and since the commencement of the voluntary suspension, other parties have approached the Company with additional proposals which are yet to be fully assessed. Those negotiations all remain confidential and due to the holiday period have not yet reached the stage where a definitive announcement may be made | 20/01/2014 |
In accordance with Listing Rule 17.2 the Company requests continuation of the voluntary suspension of its securities to commence at market open today, January 20, 2014. | 20/01/2014 |
Red Gum provides an update on key matters since requesting a trading halt on 23 December 2013 and subsequent voluntary suspension on 27 December 2013 | 06/01/2014 |
Following the Company's IPO and listing on 17 January 2012 a total of 36,766,409 ordinary shares were restricted for varying periods, and of that total 6,340,477 have already been released. The remaining 30,425,932 restricted ordinary shares will be released on 17 January 2014 | 03/01/2014 |
The securities of Red Gum Resources Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately at the request of the Company in accordance with listing rule 17.2, pending a material announcement by the Company. Security Code: RGX | 27/12/2013 |
name changed to MCS Services Limited | 24/12/2015 |
Red Gum Resources Limited (Company) is pleased to confirm that it has completed the acquisition of MCS Security Group Pty Limited and John Boardman Pty Limited (Acquisitions) as approved by Shareholders of the Company 28 October 2015 by way of General Meeting. | 18/12/2015 |
The company releases the results of its annual general meeting. | 26/11/2015 |
Red Gum Resources Limited (Company) is pleased to announce the $4.5 million capital raise detailed in the prospectus dated 26 October 2015 (Prospectus) has been completed heavily oversubscribed with cleared funds on trust. | 10/11/2015 |
The company lodges its Activities Report & Cash Flow Statement For the 3 months ending 30 September 2015. | 29/10/2015 |
Red Gum Resources Limited (Company) is pleased to provide the results of the Company's General Meeting held today in relation to the Notice of Meeting dispatched to shareholders 29 September 2015 | 28/10/2015 |
The securities of Red Gum Resources Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from the commencement of trading tomorrow, Wednesday, 28 October 2015 pending the outcome of a resolution at the Company's general meeting to approve a change in the scale and nature of the Company's activities. The Company's securities will remain suspended pending compliance with Chapters 1 and 2 of the Listing Rules. Security Code: RGX | 27/10/2015 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Red Gum Resources Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, following the Company's announcement in relation to the proposed disposal of mining assets and ongoing discussions in regard to new opportunities. Security Code: RGX | 16/03/2015 |
the Company is currently in negotiations with a number of potential bidders for the acquisition of all or some of its mining assets located in Peru and Chile. The parties are aware that any decision to proceed with one or more of these proposals may however be subject to receiving any necessary shareholder approvals, and compliance with any applicable ASX requirements | 02/03/2015 |
The Board wishes to advise that the Company's proposed acquisitions of Holiday Planet, Asia Escape and Motive Travel ("the Acquisitions") will not be proceeding | 13/02/2015 |
On 12 November 2014 the Company announced that a Prospectus had been lodged with the ASIC and the ASX for an offer of up to 25,000,000 shares in the Company to raise up to $5,000,000, and to re-comply with Chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules ("the Offer"). Subsequently a Supplementary Prospectus was lodged on 22 November 2014 following a re-negotiation with the Vendors of the terms of the acquisitions of Holiday Planet, Asia Escape and Motive Travel ("the Acquisitions"). The Offer was due to close last Friday and the Company is pleased to advise that the minimum subscription of $3,000,000 had been achieved. However ASIC has now advised the Company that it is of the view that more recent audited historical financial information should be provided in the Prospectus in respect to the Acquisitions, and accordingly has ordered the Company not to make offers of securities under the Prospectus so long as that order is in place. The Company and its advisers are working hard to resolve the technical issues raised by ASIC and expect to do so in the near future. In order to allow that process to take place the Board has resolved to extend the Closing Date of the Prospectus to 11 February 2015 (subject to obtaining any approvals which may be required, following the delay to the proposed date for reinstatement on ASX). The Company anticipates that it may be necessary to issue a further Supplementary Prospectus including additional information, to address the concerns raised by ASIC | 27/01/2015 |
The Company has written to shareholders to remind them that they can participate in the Company's current Capital Raising for the Australian Travel Group Transaction, and apply for additional shares with free attaching options (on a one for two basis), without needing to pay any brokerage. Applications from existing shareholders received by 20 January 2015 will receive priority | 12/01/2015 |
the consolidation ("or re-organisation") of the Company's securities on the basis of one new security for each forty four securities held prior to the re-organisation, has been completed, and any fractional entitlements have been rounded up in accordance with the shareholders' approval at the resumed EGM held on 18 December 2014 | 30/12/2014 |
the proposed Consolidation (or "re-organisation") of the Company's securities on the basis of one new security for each forty four securities held prior to the re-organisation, was approved at the resumed Extraordinary General Meeting held today, the 18 December 2014 | 18/12/2014 |
At the extraordinary general meeting of Red Gum Resources Limited (to be renamed "Australian Travel Group Limited") (ACN 119 641 986) (Company) held at 9:30am (WST) on 27 November 2014 at Level 3, London House, 216 St Georges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia (Meeting), Shareholders resolved to adjourn the meeting in order for the Company to amend certain Resolutions contained in the original Notice of General Meeting dated 20 October 2014 | 10/12/2014 |
The Board of Directors of Red Gum Resources Limited wish to advise that a Supplementary Prospectus to the Prospectus lodged on 22 November 2014 for an Offer of up to 25,000,000 shares in the Company to raise up to $5,000,000, and to re-comply with Chapters 1 and 2 of the ASX Listing Rules, was lodged with ASIC yesterday and the Offer remains open. The Supplementary Prospectus has also been lodged with the ASX and is now available to download from the Company's web site via the following link: | 05/12/2014 |
the terms for the acquisition of Holiday Planet, Asia Escape and Motive Travel have now been varied by agreement between the parties, to allow for a change in the proposed consolidation ratio of the Company's issued capital from 1:25 to 1:44 (subject to shareholder approval at the Company's adjourned Extraordinary General Meeting ( | 04/12/2014 |
The securities of Red Gum Resources Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately under listing rule 17.2, at the request of the Company, pending the negotiations in relation to the changes to the terms of the share sale agreements, and the release of an announcement in respect of the results of the Company's adjourned extraordinary general meeting | 01/12/2014 |
The suspension of trading in the securities of Red Gum Resources Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, following the Company's announcement in relation to the proposed capital raising and the appointment of a new director. Security Code: RGX | 03/03/2014 |
Red Gum Resources Limited ("Red Gum" or "Company") advises that the Company has entered into a mandate with DJ Carmichael Pty Limited ("DJ Carmichael") to undertake and underwrite a pro rata renounceable entitlement issue on the basis of two (2) new shares for every three (3) shares on issue at an issue price of $0.003 per share, together with one (1) free option for each four (4) new shares issued, to raise approximately $650,000 | 24/02/2014 |
advises two clarifications for the Activities Report released on 3 February 2014 | 12/02/2014 |
Red Gum Resources Limited wishes to announce that it is in discussions with DJ Carmichael Pty Ltd to assist the Company with its immediate funding requirements. This follows the inability to finalise a legally binding loan agreement, within a suitable timeframe, with East Coast entities as anticipated by the Company "“ as announced on the 3rd February 2014. Accordingly, the Company intends to remain in voluntary suspension pending its ability to announce details of this funding package, once finalised, on or before the 24th February 2014 | 10/02/2014 |
company announces that it is currently negotiating a funding agreement with Sanston Securities Australia Pty Ltd (Sanston). It is intended that this funding agreement will provide working capital and fund due diligence involving the proposed strategic alliance with Rio Perdido Copper Limited, which the Company anticipates will be finalised shortly | 28/01/2014 |
In accordance with Listing Rule 17.2 the Company requests continuation of the voluntary suspension of its securities to commence at market open today, January 20, 2014. The Company is continuing with negotiations in respect to the proposed sale of its Peruvian assets and the proposed strategic alliance, as announced to the market on 6 January 2014. Further, and since the commencement of the voluntary suspension, other parties have approached the Company with additional proposals which are yet to be fully assessed. Those negotiations all remain confidential and due to the holiday period have not yet reached the stage where a definitive announcement may be made | 20/01/2014 |
In accordance with Listing Rule 17.2 the Company requests continuation of the voluntary suspension of its securities to commence at market open today, January 20, 2014. | 20/01/2014 |
Red Gum provides an update on key matters since requesting a trading halt on 23 December 2013 and subsequent voluntary suspension on 27 December 2013 | 06/01/2014 |
Following the Company's IPO and listing on 17 January 2012 a total of 36,766,409 ordinary shares were restricted for varying periods, and of that total 6,340,477 have already been released. The remaining 30,425,932 restricted ordinary shares will be released on 17 January 2014 | 03/01/2014 |
The securities of Red Gum Resources Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately at the request of the Company in accordance with listing rule 17.2, pending a material announcement by the Company. Security Code: RGX | 27/12/2013 |
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21/02/2012 | Raymond Shaw | 27,804 | $0.170 | $4,727 |
17/02/2012 | Torey Marshall | 106,112 | $0.165 | $17,508 |
20/01/2012 | Norman Zillman | 55,000 | $0.170 | $9,350 |
Vicky Allinson | CFO | |
Josh Puckridge | Non Exec Director | 28/05/2015 |
Thomas Pickett | Director | 28/05/2015 |
Melissa Chapman | Director | 18/12/2015 |
Malcolm Lucas-Smith | Company Secretary |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Edwin Bulseco | Non Exec Director | 03/03/2014 | 18/12/2015 |
Raymond Shaw | Executive Chairman | 17/05/2006 | 28/05/2015 |
Jennifer Tobin | Non Exec Director | 17/06/2013 | 28/05/2015 |
Paul Pearson | Managing Director | 01/09/2011 | 17/06/2013 |
Torey Marshall | Non Exec Director | 16/05/2007 | 06/01/2013 |
Norman Zillman | Non Exec Director | 11/05/2006 | 23/04/2012 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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