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Tower 4, 727 Collins Street Docklands VIC 3008
Tel : +61 3 9615 9800 or 61 1300 554 474
Fax : +61 2 9287 0303
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Company details

ISIN: AU000000PEK2
Address: Level 9, 190 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000
Tel:  +61 8 9200 5360Fax: +61 8 9226 3831

Date first listed: 29/11/2006

Sector: Materials Industry Group: XMJ
Activities: Exploration for gold, nickel, copper etc

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name changed to Peak Rare Earths Limited


The suspension of trading in the securities of Peak Resources Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by PEK of an announcement regarding its board composition.


Peak Resources Limited continues to progress the development of its 100% owned Ngualla Rare Earth Project with the following events occurring recently: SML application continuing to progress; and further steps taken to reduce costs and conserve cash pending receipt of the SML.


The securities of Peak Resources Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of PEK, pending the release of an announcement regarding its board composition.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Peak Resources Limited will be lifted immediately, following receipt of an announcement.


The company has mandated a broker to lead a placement of fully paid ordinary shares in the company to raise up to approximately A$2,800,000 with an issue price of A$0.04 per share.


The company requests a further extension of the suspension of its securities until the earlier of when a further announcement regarding the completion of an initial placement and revised fundraising proposal is made to the ASX, or the commencement of normal trading on 19 September 2017.


The Company requests that its shares remain in voluntary suspension until the earlier of when a further announcement related to its funding is released to the ASX or the commencement of normal trading on Friday, 15 September 2017.


The company releases an Investor Presentation for September 2017.


The company has lodged an application for a special mining licence for the Ngualla rare earth mine and multi-stage processing plant in Tanzania.


The securities of Peak Resources Limited will be suspended from official quotation from the commencement of trading today at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement in relation to funding referred to in the Company's ASX release of 7 August 2017.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Peak Resources Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by the Company of an announcement regarding a material fund raising.


Peak Resources Limited is pleased to announce a firm commitment from ERP Strategic Minerals, LLC (ERP) and associates for a $1.5 million placement into Peak. The price of the placement is 4 cents per share and receipt of funds is expected in approximately seven days. Peak is excited to be working with ERP and its associated supporters.


The Company requests a further extension that its shares remain in voluntary suspension until the earlier of when the announcement regarding a material proposed fundraising is released to the ASX or the commencement of normal trading on Monday, 7 August 2017.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report and Appendix 5B.


Peak has reviewed the Tanzanian legislative changes and obtained legal advice from the Tanzanian office regarding the potential impacts on the company and the planned development of the Ngualla Rare Earch Project. The legislative changes are not sufficient to cause the company to halt or change its development plans for the Ngualla Rare Earth Project.


The Company requests a further extension such that its shares remain in voluntary suspension until the earlier of when an announcement regarding a material proposed fundraising is released to the ASX or the commencement of normal trading on Thursday, 3 August 2017.


The company sought and is currently awaiting further advice from its legal advisors in Tanzania with respect to the legislative framework governing the natural resources sector in Tanzania and its potential impact on the company and the planned development of Ngualla Rare Earth Project. The Company requests that its shares remain in voluntary suspension until the earlier of when a further announcement is released to the ASX or the commencement of normal trading on Monday 31 July 2017.


The securities of Peak Resources Limited will be suspended from official quotation immediately at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement in relation to further information on legislation passed by the Tanzanian National Assembly with respect to the legislative framework governing the natural resources sector in Tanzania.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Peak Resources Limited will be lifted immediately following the release of an announcement regarding a restructured funding package to fully fund completion of the BFS for the Ngualla Rare Earth Project.


The company is pleased to announce details of restructured funding arrangements that will fully fund completion of the BFS for the world-class Ngualla Rare Earth Project and also result in an increased final equity position in the Project for the Company.


The Company requests that the current suspension remains in place pending the release of an announcement regarding the fundraising. The Company expects to remain in suspension until an announcement can be made in respect of the fundraising. It is anticipated that this announcement will be made prior to the commencement of trading on Tuesday 26 April 2016.


The securities of Peak Resources Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from official quotation immediately at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Peak Resources Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately following the release of an announcement regarding project funding arrangements. Security Code: PEK


Peak Resources Limited ("Peak" or the "Company"; ASX Code: PEK) is pleased to advise receipt of funds and notification of completion, subject to final regulatory approvals, of Stage 2 funding from Appian Natural Resources Fund ("Appian").


Peak Resources Limited ("Peak" or the "Company"; ASX Code: PEK) is pleased to announce the successful completion of the Beneficiation Pilot Plant testwork at ALS Metallurgy (ALS) Perth.


The securities of Peak Resources Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from official quotation immediately at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. Security Code: PEK


The suspension of trading in the securities of Peak Resources Limited will be lifted immediately following the release of an announcement by the Company regarding funding and technical programs update.. ASX Code: PEK


The securities of Peak Resources Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately at the request of the Company pending the release of an announcement. Security Code: PEK PEKOA


securities reinstated


securities suspended pending an announcement



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    ASX, Legal & CGT Status

    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    25/08/2023Hannah Badenach256,000$0.483$123,600
    25/08/2023Nick Bowen100,000$0.485$48,500
    24/08/2023Ian Chambers275,000$0.445$122,306
    16/06/2023Tony Pearson-290,000$0.503$145,725
    11/10/2021Giselle Collins300,000$0.082$24,525

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)

    Russell ScrimshawExecutive Chairman15/08/2022
    Bardin DavisManaging Director, CEO21/10/2020
    Philip RundellCFO, Company Secretary16/12/2020
    Shasha LuNon Exec Director02/12/2022
    Ian ChambersNon Exec Director20/03/2023
    Abdullah MwinyiNon Exec Director09/11/2020
    Nick BowenNon Exec Director05/06/2023
    Hannah BadenachNon Exec Director03/07/2023

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Tony PearsonDeputy Chairman21/08/201802/07/2023
    Giselle CollinsNon Exec Director09/03/202109/11/2022
    Rebecca MorganNon Exec Director09/03/202115/02/2022
    Jonathan MurrayDirector21/03/201109/03/2021
    Graeme ScottCFO03/11/201416/12/2020
    Rocky SmithCEO05/01/201608/12/2020
    Peter MeurerNon Exec Chairman23/04/201817/09/2020
    Robert SennettNon Exec Director15/01/202017/09/2020
    John JetterNon Exec Director01/04/201515/01/2020
    Darren TownsendNon Exec Director03/02/201428/02/2019
    Peter HaroldNon Exec Chairman01/12/201531/12/2017
    Dave HammondExecutive Director25/10/201003/11/2017
    Robin MillsNon Exec Director01/04/201505/10/2016
    Alastair HunterNon Exec Chairman23/05/200803/04/2015
    Jeff DawkinsCFO15/10/201203/11/2014
    Farlee WalkerCFO14/08/201214/11/2013
    Richard BeazleyManaging Director16/01/201205/04/2013
    Linda PainiCFO16/06/201114/08/2012

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.