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Former (or subsequent) names

MINERA GOLD LIMITED17/09/201219/07/2017

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Our website ranking of MIZ: rating 4
(4 out of 5)



Security Transfer Australia Pty Ltd
No longer operating

Company details

Address: First Floor, 140 Hay street, SUBIACO, WA, AUSTRALIA, 6008
Tel:  08 9200 1860Fax: 08 9200 1861

Date first listed: 15/11/2006

Sector: Materials Industry Group: XMJ
Activities: Gold Mining in South America

News & Events

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name changed to Titan Minerals Limited


we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 350


The company releases the results of its meeting.


Shareholders get 1 share for every 350 presently owned.


The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at Central Park Theatrette, 152-158 St Georges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia on Friday, 9 June 2017 at 2.00pm (WST)


The company lodges its annual report for the year ended 31 December 2016.


The company lodges its half year report for the six months ended 30 June 2016.


The company lodges its Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2015.


The company lodges its half year report for the six months ended 30 June 2015.


The company has appointed a new auditor, Stantons International Audit and Consulting Pty Ltd, as of 6 April 2017 as part of the wider implementation of the reconstruction and recapitalisation of the company.


The Deed Administrators have continued to work with the DOCA proponent, Andina Resources Limited, to satisfy the conditions precedent to effectuate the amended and restated Deed of Company Arrangement dated 30 June 2016. As a result, the Deed Administrators are pleased to confirm that the ASX has recently granted an extension of time until 31 March 2017 to comply with the conditions set by the ASX for MIZ to be reinstated to official quotation.


Under listing rule 17.6, any entity (if not already suspended) that had not paid its annual listing fees by close of business on Monday 22 August 2016 will have its securities suspended from official quotation before the commencement of trading on Tuesday 23 August 2016. The company has not paid its annual listing fees in respect of the year ending 30 June 2017 but the securities are already suspended from official quotation.


The company refers to the previous ASX announcement dated 9 June 2016 and confirms that the amended and restated Deed of Company Arrangement (Varied DOCA) and associated documents were executed on 30 June 2016. The Deed Administrators will continue to work with the DOCA proponent, Andina Resources Limited, to satisfy the conditions precedent to effectuate the Varied DOCA on or before 30 September 2016.


The reconvened creditors' meeting which was held today, creditors resolved in favor of the DOCA variation proposal as proposed by Andina and the appointment of Wayne Rushton as joint and several Deed Administrator and Trustee of the Creditors' Trust. The Deed Administrator and Andina's lawyer (DLA Piper) will now take steps to finalise the DOCA variation documentation and satisfy the conditions precedent for the implementation of the DOCA.


The Deed Administrator provides notice of the reconvened creditors' meeting to be held on Friday, 3 June 2016 at 2:00pm (AWST) at the office of Ferrier Hodgson, Level 28, 108 St Georges Terrace, Perth.


Minera Gold Limited wishes to advise that the reconvened meeting of creditors is to be held on Wednesday, 11 May 2016 at 2:00pm (AWST) at the offices of Ferrier Hodgson, Level 28, 108 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000. The most recent adjournment was provided to allow Andina Resources Limited with further time to obtain greater certainty regarding the ability to implement its DOCA variation proposal. Andina is working with the ASX in respect of its submission dated 22 April 2016. Without any improved certainty regarding the ability to implement the DOCA proposed by Andina, the Deed Administrator is not in a position to consider recommending this proposal to creditors. Accordingly, at this time the Deed Administrator's recommendation to creditors that the Company be liquidated remains unchanged.


Creditors voted in favour of a further adjournment of the creditors' meeting to 11 May 2016 to provide Andina Resources Limited with further time to obtain greater certainty regarding the ability to implement its DOCA variation proposal. The Deed Administrator will issue a notice of the reconvened meeting of creditors, along with a report outlining any material changes to the available options, at least 5 business days before the date of the reconvened meeting.


Minera Gold Limited (Subject to Deed of Company Arrangement)wishes to advise that the reconvened creditors' meeting is to be held on Wednesday, 13 April 2016 at 2:00pm (AWST) at the offices of Ferrier Hodgson, Level 28, 108 St Georges Terrace, Perth.


further adjourn the meeting for 4 weeks; i.e. to 9 March 2016. The reconvened creditors' meeting is to be held on Wednesday, 9 March 2016 at 2:00pm (AWST) at the offices of Ferrier Hodgson, Level 28, 108 St Georges Terrace, PERTH WA 6000. The DOCA proponent has requested a further adjournment of the upcoming creditors' meeting by approximately 5 weeks to allow sufficient time to finalise their DOCA variation proposal in a manner that will provide all stakeholders with greater certainty of completion. This would adjourn the upcoming creditors' meeting until 13 April 2016.


The company intends make an application in accordance with the Australian Securities Investment Commission's Regulatory Guide 174.61 (RG 174.61) to obtain individual deferral of all financial reporting obligations.


The Deed Administrator has convened a meeting of the Company's creditors pursuant to Section 445F of the Act, to be held on Wednesday, 10 February 2016 at 2:00pm at the offices of Ferrier Hodgson, Level 28, 108 St Georges Terrace, PERTH WA 6000 to consider the DOCA variation proposal and vote upon the future of the Company.


The company wishes to advise that the Deed Administrators have convened a meeting of the Company's creditors to be held at 4:00 PM (AWST) on Tuesday, 15 December 2015 at the offices of Ferrier Hodgson, Level 28, 108 St Georges Terrace PERTH WA 6000, to determine the future of the Company.


The DOCA and Reconstruction Deed included the following conditions: ASX confirming to MIZ and the Proponent that nothing contemplated by the DOCA will prevent MIZ from retaining its ASX listing and that the ASX will not impose any requirements on MIZ under Listing Rule 11.1.3 in relation to the DOCA; and MIZ receiving written approval (which may be subject to conditions) from ASX for MIZ to be reinstated to the official list of ASX. The above conditions were required to be satisfied on or before the End Date.


Minera Gold Limited (ASX:MIZ) (Subject to a Deed of Company Arrangement) advises that the Deed Administrators, the DOCA proponent and the in-country secured lenders have agreed to extend the End Date under the DOCA to 19 November 2015.


Minera Gold Limited (ASX:MIZ) (Deed Administrators Appointed) advises that the reconvened second meeting of creditors was held on Thursday, 8 October 2015. At that meeting, creditors resolved that MIZ executes a Deed of Company Arrangement (DOCA) as proposed by Andina Resources Limited (Andina) under Part 5.3A of the Corporations Act. The DOCA was subsequently executed on 15 October 2015.


At the reconvened second meeting of creditors, the creditors resolved to further adjourn the meeting to Thursday 8 October, 2015 at 3:00 PM AWST to enable progression of key matters relating to the DOCA proposals.


Minera Gold Limited (ASX:MIZ) (Administrators Appointed) advises that the second meeting of creditors was held on Wednesday, 30 September 2015. At the meeting creditors resolved to adjourn the meeting to Monday, 5 October 2015 at 3:00PM AWST to enable the progression of key matters relating to the DOCA proposals.


The company intends to rely on ASIC class order relief granted under (CO 03/392) to obtain relief from its obligations to prepare and lodge the audited financial and directors reports.


The company releases its administrators' report to creditors.


company appoints administrators


MIZ has been in the process of concluding a bridging finance facility in the quantum of circa A$800k as well as progressing a number of strategic initiatives. To date the bridging finance has yet to be concluded. It has received a number of non-binding and highly conditional offers for funding and has reduced these potential proposals down to two. Further the Company has received a non-binding and highly conditional proposal that could potentially evolve into an offer to acquire all the shares in MIZ via a takeover offer.


The securities of Minera Gold Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from official quotation immediately at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement regarding the finalisation of short term bridging funding arrangements. Security Code: MIZ


The suspension of trading in the securities of Minera Gold Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, following receipt of an announcement on the outcome of a strategic review of the Company's operations, debt facilities, capital structure and funding requirements.


The company releases a strategic review update.


The company lodges its June 2015 Quarterly Activities Report.


The Company expects to remain in suspension for a further period of approximately one week


Minera Gold Limited advises that as part of the ongoing strategic review, the Board is continuing its review of the Company's capital structure and funding requirements. The Company advises that the currentsuspension will continue pending the release to the market of an announcement relating to a capital raising. The Company expects to remain in suspension for a further period of approximately two weeks.


The securities of Minera Gold Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from official quotation immediately at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement regarding the outcome of a strategic review of the Company's operations, funding and the structure of the management team.


The company provides an update and summary of the revised corporate strategy for its flagship mining and exploration assets in Peru, following the appointment of a new management team in country to operate Minera Gold's business.


Mr Ryan Welker, who has filled the role of interim Chairman since early April 2015, has resigned as a director. The Company advises that resolution 5 in the Company's Notice of Annual General Meeting dated 28 April 2015 will therefore be withdrawn at the Company's upcoming Annual General Meeting as it related to the reappointment of Mr Welker by rotation under the Company's constitution and is no longer relevant. The Company also advises that the resignation of Dr Alex Losada Calderon as Chairman and director of the Company has taken effect. A new Chairman of the Company will be determined by the Board following the Company's Annual General Meeting to be held on 28 May 2015.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Minera Gold Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, following receipt of an announcement on the composition of the Company's board and the transfer of legal roles within the group's wholly owned Peruvian subsidiaries. Security Code: MIZ


Minera Gold Limited (ASX Codes: MIZ and MIZOA) wishes to request an extension to its voluntary suspension as requested on Monday 18 May 2015. The Company continues discussions regarding the composition of the Minera Gold board moving forward and the transfer of legal roles within the group's wholly owned Peruvian subsidiaries, and binding agreements relating to those matters are still being finalized. The Company expects the suspension to last until it is able to make an announcement about these matters, which is expected to be released to ASX prior to pre-open of trading on Monday 25th May 2015


The securities of Minera Gold Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from official quotation immediately at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. Security Code: MIZ


The suspension of trading in the securities of Minera Gold Limited (the "Company") will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Monday, 18 May 2015 following receipt of the Company's full year accounts for the period ending 31 December 2014. Security Code: MIZ


The securities of Minera Gold Limited (the "Company") will be reinstated to official quotation as from the commencement of trading tomorrow, Thursday 17 April 2014, following release of the Company's full year accounts for the year ended 31 December 2013. Security Code: MIZ MIZO MIZOA


The securities of Minera Gold Limited will be suspended from Official Quotation from the announcement of trading today 1 April 2014 following failure to lodge their Full Year Accounts for the period ended 31 December 2013 in accordance with Listing Rules. Security Code: MIZ


The securities of Minera Gold Limited (the "Company") will be reinstated to official quotation as from the commencement of trading tomorrow, Thursday 17 October 2013, following release of the Company's half year accounts for the half year ended 30 June 2013 and an announcement regarding its financing facility with Lind Partners. Security Code: MIZ MIZO


The securities of Minera Gold Limited (the "Company") will be reinstated to official quotation as from the commencement of trading tomorrow, Thursday 17 October 2013, following release of the Company's half year accounts for the half year ended 30 June 2013 and an announcement regarding its financing facility with Lind Partners. Security Code: MIZ MIZO


company advises that it has finalised legal documentation relating to the restructure of its various convertible debt instruments in the parent company and also completed negotiations on a new convertible debt issue to facilitate the restructure


Minera Gold Limited (ASX Codes: MIZ and MIZO) now requests the ongoing voluntary suspension of its securities under ASX Listing Rule 17.1 to enable Minera Gold: 1. Update the market via announcement regarding the outcome of negotiations on two of its existing finance facilities; and 2. Announce and complete a capital raising


Further to our request for, and your subsequent granting of voluntary suspension of our securities on 11 September 2013, Minera Gold Limited (ASX Codes: MIZ and MIZO) now requests the ongoing voluntary suspension of its securities under ASX Listing Rule 17.1 to enable Minera Gold: 1. Update the market via announcement regarding the outcome of negotiations on two of its existing finance facilities; and 2. Announce and complete a capital raising.


The securities of Minera Gold Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement regarding the status of its existing convertible note. Security Code: MIZ MIZO


The suspension of trading in the securities of Minera Gold Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, following the release of the Company" announcements. Security Code: MIZ MIZO


The securities of Minera Gold Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Minera Gold Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, following the release of the Company" announcement regarding creditor plan approval. Security Code: MIZ MIZO


The securities of Minera Gold Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. Security Code: MIZ MIZO


name changed from Mundo Minerals Limited



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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    23/04/2014Ashley Pattison24,321,056$0.003$71,968
    13/12/2013Ashley Pattison1,200,000$0.005$6,000
    30/07/2013Ashley Pattison230,000$0.009$2,160
    30/07/2013Ashley Pattison540,000$0.009$4,860
    04/01/2013Ashley Pattison450,000$0.058$26,190

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)

    Graham ParsonsCOO07/06/2013
    Victor CabezCFO29/04/2015
    Timothy MorrisonDirector10/08/2016
    Matthew CarrDirector26/10/2015
    Nicholas RowleyDirector08/08/2016
    Zane LewisCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Ismael BenavidesChairman, Non Exec Director28/05/201515/08/2016
    Brad ValiukasDirector09/11/201510/12/2015
    Campbell BairdNon Exec Director28/05/201526/10/2015
    Angeline HicksExecutive Director09/04/201526/10/2015
    Ashley PattisonManaging Director, CEO27/04/201103/07/2015
    Brett HeathNon Exec Director14/10/201428/05/2015
    Miguel CardozoNon Exec Director09/04/201528/05/2015
    Ryan WelkerChairman, Independent Director16/10/201325/05/2015
    Alex Losada-CalderonNon Exec Director16/10/201325/05/2015
    Kevin PuilNon Exec Director24/04/201423/07/2014
    Christopher ChalwellChairman, Non Exec Director13/03/201216/10/2013
    William LamarqueNon Exec Director10/05/201216/10/2013
    Brian HurleyNon Exec Director09/01/200616/10/2013
    Robert KcKenzieNon Exec Director01/07/200616/10/2013
    Barry EldridgeNon Exec Chairman30/03/200630/04/2012
    Mark ZeptnerCOO18/08/201001/02/2012
    Grant DykerCFO15/08/201130/01/2012

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.