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Computershare Perth
Level 17, 221 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details

ISIN: AU000000HCT4
Address: 283 Rokeby Road Subiaco WA 6008
Tel:  02 8072 1400Fax: 02 8072 1440

Date first listed: 26/02/2004

Sector: Household & Personal Products Industry Group: XSJ
Activities: Bio-industrial company committed to the development and commercialisation of ovine collagen for cosmetic and biomedical applications

News & Events

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The suspension of trading in the securities of Holista Colltech Limited is expected to be lifted from the commencement of trading on Friday, 24 May 2024 following the release by HCT of an announcement in relation to the payment terms of a Federal Court Order.


On 17 May 2024, an order for payment terms was received from the Federal Court Justice Sarah C Derrington. The Penalty is to be paid in two equal instalments of $900,000 each. The first instalment is due by 4:00 PM AEST on 18 November 2024. The second instalment is due by 4:00 PM AEST on 18 March 2025. No interest will be applied to these instalments if paid on time. If Holista fails to pay the first instalment by the specified date, the entire Penalty becomes immediately due and payable. Interest will accrue on the entire Penalty at the prescribed rate from the date the original judgment was entered, if there is default in payment. The Company is working on a strategic plan to fulfill its payment obligations as stipulated in the Court Order.


The company is requesting the continuation of its voluntary suspension for its ordinary shares, pending an announcement regarding payment terms with ASIC. The company submitted an affidavit to the Federal Court with its proposed payment plan, and a hearing was held on 8 May 2024. The decision has not yet been received, and Holista Colltech expects a decision by 22 May 2024. The suspension will continue until normal trading begins on 22 May 2024 and Holista Colltech makes an announcement to the market, stating it is not aware of any reason for the suspension.


The Annual General Meeting will be held at 11:00AM (AWST) on 31 May 2024, at Stantons International 40 Kings Park Road West Perth WA 6005.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activity and Cashflow Report.


Holista Colltech requests that the voluntary suspension continues until the earlier of commencing of normal trading on 15 May 2024 and when Holista Colltech makes an announcement to the market and requests the voluntary suspension be lifted.


Holista Colltech requests that the voluntary suspension continue until the earlier of commencing of normal trading on 17 April 2024 and when Holista Colltech makes an announcement to the market and requests the voluntary suspension be lifted


The company releases an Appendix 4G.


The company lodges its Annual Report to shareholders.


The securities of Holista Colltech Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of HCT, pending the release of an announcement regarding agreement of payment terms with ASIC following the outcome of the Federal Court Hearing judgment against HCT


The suspension of trading in the securities of Holista Colltech Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by HCT of an announcement regarding an update to its "˜Collagen Market Update'.


The company provides additional information at the request of the ASX to the announcement released on 13 May 2021 entitled "Collagen Market Update".


The company would like to request for a further extension of the voluntary suspension be effective from 25 May 2021 until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on Thursday 27 th May 2021 or the release of the announcement.


The company would like to request for a further extension of the voluntary suspension be effective from 24 May 2021 until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on Tuesday 25th May 2021 or the release of the announcement to provide further information on the announcement previously made on 13 May 2021 titled 'Collagen Market Update'.


The company requests a further extension of the volulntary suspension of its securities until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on Monday 24th May 2021 or the release of the announcement to provide further information on the announcement previously made on 13 May 2021 titled Collagen Market Update.


The securities of Holista Colltech Limited will be suspended from the commencement of quotation on Tuesday, 18 May 2021, under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of HCT, pending the release of an announcement regarding an update to its "˜Collagen Market Update'.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Holista CollTech Limited will be lifted immediately following the release by HCT of an announcement regarding the M3 system.


Holista is authorised to immediately offer a "List N" certified solution to disinfect buildings amid a second wave of COVID-19 infections. Laboratoire M2 to supply its List N disinfectant, Bioesque, for use in the M3 system while Path Away is in the process of being registered on List N. Bioesque is a botanical 100% natural disinfectant similar to Path-Away. Products on List N meet U.S. EPA's criteria for use against SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19. GICC has tested and certified Bioesque as the only alternative disinfectant to Path-Away that can be used in the M3 system.


The securities of Holista CollTech Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of HCT, pending the release of an announcement regarding the M3® system.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Holista CollTech Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by HCT of an announcement regarding a subsidiary and strategic partnership.


Holista Sets Up North American operations and ends exclusive distribution agreement with Health Therapies LLC. Holista secures new partnership with Eight Mercatus USA, which is led by Mr Poonacha Machaiah. Mr Machaiah is the current CEO of The Chopra Foundation with long experience in the wellness space. Eight Mercatus Pte Ltd and Eight Mercatus (USA) Pte Ltd will be Holista's strategic business and marketing partners for the North America markets.


The company issues a notice of Proposed issue of Securities - HCT.


The securities of Holista CollTech Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of HCT, pending the release of an announcement regarding a subsidiary and strategic partnership.


securities reinstated


securities suspended pending an announcement


name changed from Colltech Australia Limited



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re hct   -  what is its  SRN number  ?


04/06/2018 09:51:39

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    ASX, Legal & CGT Status

    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    31/01/2019Rajen Marnickavasagar340,000$0.054$18,445
    26/07/2012Warren Staude20,750$0.078$1,612

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)

    David DeloubNon Exec Chairman06/04/2023
    Loren KingNon Exec Director31/07/2021
    Man Loong LeongExecutive Director, Interim CEO03/01/2025
    Kwok LaiDirector21/03/2024
    Jay StephensonCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Rajen MarnickavasagarDirector, CEO10/07/200921/03/2024
    Walter JosephNon Exec Director28/06/202106/04/2023
    Daniel O'ConnorNon Exec Chairman29/11/201131/07/2021
    Blair MichelsonNon Exec Director11/08/202028/06/2021
    Chan Heng FaiNon Exec Director01/07/201328/06/2021
    Jonathan PagerDirector02/07/202011/08/2020
    Brett FraserNon Exec Chairman21/02/202002/07/2020
    Mark CollinsNon Exec Chairman, Non Exec Director01/08/201231/07/2013
    Warren StaudeNon Exec Director01/02/201203/10/2012
    Stuart HazellNon Exec Director14/10/201001/02/2012
    Fathil MohamedNon Exec Director15/05/200801/12/2011
    Paul RengelNon Exec Director02/10/2011
    Mick AwNon Exec Director07/08/200903/04/2011
    Michael PixleyNon Exec Director28/09/200625/11/2010
    Ravindran GovindanNon Exec Director30/05/200825/11/2010
    Stephen CarterNon Exec Director31/12/200513/11/2009
    Gregg MastroianniNon Exec Director12/04/200701/06/2008
    Anna KluczewskaNon Exec Director06/08/200323/11/2007
    John SnowdenExecutive Director17/12/200230/11/2006
    Michael BlakistonChairman27/11/200325/12/2005

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.