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LAMBOO RESOURCES LIMITED13/06/201202/12/2015

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Automic Registry Pty Ltd
Tel : +61 (2) 8072 1400 or 1300 288 664 (within Australia)
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Company details

ISIN: AU000000HXG7
Address: The Park Business Centre 45 Ventnor Avenue West Perth WA 6005
Tel:  +61 8 6244 0349Fax: +61 8 6314 6673

Date first listed: 30/10/2008

Sector: Materials Industry Group: XMJ
Activities: Mining and exploration

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name changed to NH3 Clean Energy Limited


The suspension of trading in the securities of Hexagon Energy Materials Limited will be lifted immediately following the release by HXG of an announcement in relation to HXG's response to ASX on enquires on the WAH2 Project Preliminary Feasibility Study pertaining to its announcement on 3 July 2023.


The company previously released its pre-feasibility study results. Based on the results, the company has decided to progress to pre-FEED, including confidential discussions on feedstock and customer contracts, and financing options, with third parties. The company received queries from ASX regarding the basis for forward-looking and emissions-related statements in the announcement and the PFS. Revised and updated versions of the announcement and the PFS have now been released.


The company lodges its June 2023 Quarterly Activities Report & Appendix 5B.


The Company has been engaged in ongoing constructive dialogue with ASX and the voluntary suspension will allow additional time for Hexagon to provide clarification on questions raised by ASX and ASIC in relation to the WAH2 Project Preliminary Feasibility Study pertaining to its announcement on 3 July 2023. The voluntary suspension should remain in place until the earlier of commencement of trading on 3 August 2023 or Hexagon releasing an announcement containing further information pertaining to its announcement on 3 July 2023.


The Company has been engaged in ongoing constructive dialogue with ASX and the voluntary suspension will allow additional time for Hexagon to provide clarification on questions raised by ASX and ASIC in relation to the WAH2 Project Preliminary Feasibility Study pertaining to its announcement on 3 July 2023. The voluntary suspension should remain in place until the earlier of commencement of trading on 31 July 2023 or Hexagon releasing an announcement containing further information pertaining to its announcement on 3 July 2023.


The Company has been engaged in ongoing constructive dialogue with ASX and the voluntary suspension will allow additional time for Hexagon to provide clarification on questions raised by ASX and ASIC in relation to the WAH2 Project Preliminary Feasibility Study pertaining to its announcement on 3 July 2023. The voluntary suspension should remain in place until the earlier of commencement of trading on 27 July 2023 or Hexagon releasing an announcement containing further information pertaining to its announcement on 3 July 2023.


The Company has been engaged in constructive dialogue with ASX and the voluntary suspension will allow additional time for Hexagon to provide clarification on questions raised by ASX and ASIC in relation to the WAH2 Project Preliminary Feasibility Study pertaining to its announcement on 3 July 2023. The voluntary suspension should remain in place until the earlier of commencement of trading on 24 July 2023 or Hexagon releasing an announcement containing further information pertaining to its announcement on 3 July 2023.


The voluntary suspension will provide additional time for the Company to finalise a response to ASX on enquiries on the WAH2 Project Preliminary Feasibility Study pertaining to its announcement on 3 July 2023. The voluntary suspension should remain in place until the earlier of commencement of trading on 20 July 2023 or Hexagon releasing an announcement containing further information pertaining to its announcement on 3 July 2023.


The voluntary suspension will provide additional time for the Company to finalise a response to ASX on enquiries on the WAH2 Project Preliminary Feasibility Study pertaining to its announcement on 3 July 2023. The voluntary suspension should remain in place until the earlier of commencement of trading on 13 July 2023 or Hexagon releasing an announcement containing further information pertaining to its announcement on 3 July 2023.


The securities of Hexagon Energy Materials Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of HXG, pending the release of an announcement in relation to HXG's response to ASX on enquires on the WAH2 Project Preliminary Feasibility Study pertaining to its announcement on 3 July 2023.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Hexagon Energy Materials Limited will be lifted immediately following the release by HXG of an announcement regarding further information pertaining to its announcement on 11 January 2023.


Preliminary Feasibility Study anticipated to be completed in Q2 2023. Targeting FEED entry Q4 2023 and FID Q4 2024, subject to results of the PFS.


The company refers to and retracts the ASX announcement titled "Hexagon Completes WAH2 Scoping Study" released on 11 January 2023. The Announcement contains forward looking statements in the form of production targets and forecast financial information, however, did not present any reasonable bases for those forward-looking statements. The company warns investors that due to the absence of a reasonable basis for the statements, they should not rely on the 11 January 2023 announcement as a basis for investment decisions.


The securities of Hexagon Energy Materials Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of HXG, pending the release of an announcement regarding further information pertaining to its announcement on 11 January 2023.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Hexagon Energy Materials Limited will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Monday, 3 May 2021, following the release by HXG of an announcement regarding a capital raising.


The company releases a notice of Proposed issue of Securities - HXG.


Hexagon had firm commitments from institutional and sophisticated investors for a placement to raise $6.2 million. Proceeds to fund completion of the Pedirka Blue Hydrogen PFS and other commitments.


The securities of Hexagon Energy Materials Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of HXG, pending the release of an announcement regarding a material capital raising.


name changed from Hexagon Resources Limited



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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    14/11/2024Charles Whitfield400,000$0.023$9,350
    12/11/2024Andrew Kirk400,000$0.024$9,600
    12/09/2023Andrew Kirk1,000,000$0.010$10,000
    31/08/2018Charles Whitfield4,641$0.150$696
    22/08/2018Charles Whitfield100,000$0.137$13,700

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)

    Charles WhitfieldChairman22/08/2016
    Stephen HallCEO01/09/2023
    Garry PlowrightNon Exec Director10/06/2015
    Andrew KirkDirector18/05/2022
    Philipp KinDirector11/08/2023
    Joan DabonCompany Secretary01/09/2024

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Ian GregoryCompany Secretary31/08/2024
    Merrill GrayManaging Director18/10/202117/05/2022
    Justyn StedwellNon Exec Director01/12/202019/10/2021
    Michael RosenstreichManaging Director17/03/201731/12/2020
    Neville MilesChairman, Non Exec Director09/12/201405/05/2017
    Tony CormackNon Exec Director17/12/201405/05/2017
    Alvars NamNon Exec Director11/09/201426/05/2015
    Richard TrevillionManaging Director, CEO20/12/201016/04/2015
    Jerry XieNon Exec Director01/08/201419/12/2014
    Bruce PrestonNon Exec Chairman06/01/201409/12/2014
    Paul MarshallCFO15/06/201225/11/2014
    Greg BayntonNon Exec Director06/01/201411/09/2014
    Craig RuglessExecutive Director21/05/201223/05/2014
    Rodney WilliamsNon Exec Director21/05/201202/05/2014
    Richard AnthonNon Exec Chairman24/10/201206/01/2014
    Richard TaylorExecutive Director19/12/200114/06/2012
    Brian PethicaExecutive Director20/12/201006/06/2012
    James WalkerManaging Director, CEO16/03/200906/05/2011
    John FletcherDirector15/03/200822/12/2010
    Lars UttermanDirector04/08/200922/12/2010
    David WeberDirector15/03/200822/12/2010
    Gunter ThesselingNon Exec Director30/10/200718/03/2009
    Duncan VealNon Exec Director19/12/200107/03/2009

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.