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Computershare Sydney
6 Hope St Ermington NSW 2115
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 2 8235 8150
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details

ISIN: AU000000BSA3
Address: Suite 1401, Level 14, Tower B, The Zenith, 821 Pacific Highway, Chatswood NSW 2067
Tel:  02 9763 6200Fax: 02 8748 2577

Date first listed: 15/11/1999

Sector: Commercial Services & Supplies Industry Group: XNJ
Activities: National provider of contracting services to subscription TV and telecommunication companies who require satellite and telecommunication installation services; The supply of TV aerials and digital television and communication/alarm equipment to the home t

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The suspension of trading in the options of BSA Limited will be lifted immediately.


The options (ASX: BSAO) of BSA Limited will be suspended immediately in accordance with Listing Rule 17.3, as there will be no deferred trading. The options are expected to be quoted on a normal settlement basis on Thursday, 12 May 2022. The suspension only applies to BSA's options, and does not apply to any other quoted securities of BSA.


The suspension of trading in the securities of BSA Limited will be lifted immediately, following receipt of an announcement in relation to a possible payroll tax liability from the NSW Office of State Revenue. Security Code: BSA


The securities of BSA Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, to permit the continued evaluation of correspondence the Company has received from the NSW Office of State Revenue in relation to a possible payroll tax liability. Security Code: BSA


suspension of trading in the securities of BSA Limited is lifted immediately, following the release of an announcement by the Company


securities suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, to permit the continued evaluation of a proposal received from Hills Industries Limited


name changed from Broadcast Services Australia Limited



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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    10/12/2024David Prescott-3,973,422$0.940$3,733,229
    29/09/2023David Prescott218,885$0.595$130,294
    03/12/2021Brendan York647,665$0.285$184,585
    23/08/2021Michael Givoni100,000$0.288$28,750
    30/06/2020David Prescott626,000$0.278$174,028

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)

    Nicholas YatesNon Exec Chairman, Independent Director11/03/2014
    Richard BartleyCEO, COO01/04/2023
    Arno BeckerCEO, CFO, Company Secretary09/03/2020
    David PrescottNon Exec Director03/06/2019
    Nicholas BensonExecutive01/10/2013

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Michelle CoxNon Exec Director30/07/202322/09/2023
    Tim HarrisManaging Director, CEO01/10/201629/04/2022
    Michael GivoniChairman23/03/200503/03/2022
    Brendan YorkNon Exec Director16/11/202123/12/2021
    Christopher Halios-LewisNon Exec Director29/08/201923/12/2021
    Paul TeisseireIndependent Director23/03/200518/11/2021
    Mark LoweNon Exec Director31/07/200726/11/2020
    Graeme BarclayNon Exec Director30/06/201515/12/2019
    Edwin CowleyNon Exec Director02/05/200610/02/2019
    Ross JohnstonNon Exec Chairman29/04/200828/04/2015
    Daniel CollisNon Exec Director27/11/201210/04/2014
    Stephen NashManaging Director, CEO17/01/201104/11/2013
    Karl NixonCFO29/09/200805/07/2013
    Mark FoleyManaging Director25/09/200126/10/2010
    Brian BaldwinChairman05/12/200229/04/2008
    Daniel LipshutExecutive Director05/12/200226/11/2007
    Richard AlstonChairman13/10/200401/02/2005
    Greg MullaneNon Exec Director05/12/200216/11/2004
    Brett CrowleyChairman29/08/200113/10/2004
    John SambellNon Exec Director20/07/200030/06/2004
    Robert HallasNon Exec Director05/12/200201/07/2003
    Russell HodgeNon Exec Director11/12/200105/12/2002
    Kingsley MundeyExecutive Director01/07/199928/11/2001
    Ian HughesExecutive Director01/07/199909/11/2001

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.