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Former (or subsequent) names

BHP BILLITON LIMITED29/06/200118/12/2018
BHP LIMITED02/11/200029/06/2001

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Our website ranking of BHP: rating 4
(4 out of 5)



Computershare Melbourne
Yarra Falls, 452 Johnston Street, Abbotsford VIC 3067
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
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Company details

Address: Level 16, 171 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000
Tel:  (61) 1300 55 47 57Fax: (61 3) 9609 3015

Date first listed: 13/08/1885

Sector: Materials Industry Group: XMJ
Activities: Created from a merger of BHP Limited and Billiton Plc, the company is engaged in the export of coal, production of iron ore, copper and primary aluminum, production of manganese and chrome ferroalloys, and allied activities

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many shareholders in this company have unclaimed money due to them - deListed provides a tracing service for a small administration fee that identifies where people can find unclaimed monies arising from compulsory acquisitions and also from dividend distributions, super contributions, inoperative bank, building society or credit union accounts, bequests and other sources - please click here for access to our Lost shares, Lost money?? service


name changed to BHP Group Limited


we understand that on or about this date the company demerged South32 Limited by way of a 1 for 1 distribution - the Demerged Entity represented 7.1% of the market value of the group as a whole immediately after the demerger


the Notice of Meeting and Shareholder Circular relating to the proposed demerger of South32 by BHP Billiton are now available online at:


in February/March 2007, the company undertook an off-market share buy-back - the buy-back price was $24.81 per share consisting of a fully franked dividend of $22.31 per share, and a capital component of $2.50 per share (for capital gains tax purposes, participants in the buy-back are deemed to have received $7.39 as the capital component of the buy-back price) - payments to bank accounts and dispatch of cheques for shares bought back are expected to be completed by Monday, 2 April 2007


in February/March 2006, the company undertook an off-market share buy-back - the buy-back price was $23.45 per share consisting of a fully franked dividend of $21.35 per share, and a capital component of $2.10 per share (for capital gains tax purposes, participants in the buy-back are deemed to have received $5.96 as the capital component of the buy-back price) - shareholders may have made a capital gain or a capital loss on their BHP Billiton shares, depending on their cost base (or reduced cost base) and the amount they received for them - they need to adjust their cost base (or reduced cost base) for the OneSteel and BHP Steel demerger if applicable if they received OneSteel shares on 20 October 2000 and BHP Steel shares on 22 July 2002 because they held BHP Billiton shares, they must reduce the cost base (or reduced cost base) of each of their shares by $0.66 cents for the receipts of the OneSteel shares, and 5.063% for the receipts of the BHP Steel shares


on 23 November 2004, BHP Billiton completed an off-market share buy-back - shareholders who took part in the buy-back received $12.57 per share, which included a fully franked dividend of $10.47 per share - according to the ATO, for capital gains tax purposes, shareholders are taken to have received $4.04 per share - the date the shares were sold under the buy-back was 23 November 2004 - if the capital proceeds of $4.04 were more than the cost base of the share, the difference is a capital gain to the shareholder in 2004-05 - if $4.04 was less than the share's reduced cost base, the difference is a capital loss


we understand that on or about this date the company demerged BHP Steel Limited by way of a 1 for 5 distribution - the Demerged Entity represented 5.063% of the market value of the group as a whole immediately after the demerger


according to the Australian Tax Office, in July 2002, BHP shareholders received one BHP Steel Ltd share for every five BHP Billiton shares held - BHP Billiton has advised that BHP Steel represented 5.063% of the market value of the group as a whole just after the demerger - shareholders who received BHP Steel shares should use this percentage to apportion the sum of the cost bases of their post-CGT BHP Billiton shares between these shares and the post-CGT BHP Steel shares


name changed from BHP Limited


we understand that on or about this date the company undertook, proposed to undertake or was the subject of the following corporate action: - Billiton merger, economic interest .4842 of existing BHP share value and bonus issue 1.0651 for 1 - this corporate event may appear elsewhere in this company record



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    ASX, Legal & CGT Status

    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

    rss feeds

    Purchases Sales

    28/08/2017Ken MacKenzie32,856$26.765$879,391
    25/08/2017Ken MacKenzie4,495$26.730$120,151
    24/08/2017Andrew Mackenzie-36,221$26.500$959,857
    05/05/2017Grant King5,000$22.560$112,800
    22/03/2017Grant King3,980$24.008$95,550

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)

    Ken MacKenzieChairman22/09/2016
    Brendan HarrisCFO
    Peter BeavenCFO
    Shriti VaderaIndependent Director01/01/2011
    Malcolm BroomheadIndependent Director31/03/2010
    John MogfordIndependent Director01/10/2017
    Lindsay MaxstedIndependent Director23/03/2011
    Wayne MurdyIndependent Director18/06/2009
    Grant KingIndependent Director01/03/2017
    Carolyn HewsonIndependent Director31/03/2010
    Anita FrewIndependent Director15/09/2015
    John SchubertIndependent Director01/06/2000
    Terry BowenIndependent Director01/10/2017
    Futhi MtobaNon Exec Director07/04/2015
    Wayne OsbornNon Exec Director07/04/2015
    Peter KukielskiNon Exec Director07/04/2015
    Frank CooperNon Exec Director07/04/2015
    Andrew MackenzieDirector, CEO10/05/2013
    David BrinkDirector01/06/2001
    Daniel MalchukExecutive, President01/05/2013
    Karen WoodExecutive, President
    Jimmy WilsonExecutive, President31/10/2006
    Tim CuttExecutive, President02/07/2013
    Dean Dalla ValleGeneral Manager01/07/2015
    Mike HenryGeneral Manager01/05/2013
    Rachel AgnewCompany Secretary
    Margaret TaylorCompany Secretary
    Jane McAloonCompany Secretary, President

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Malcolm BrindedIndependent Director15/04/201418/10/2017
    Jacques NasserChairman, Independent Director06/06/200601/09/2017
    Pat DaviesIndependent Director01/06/201206/04/2017
    Carlos CordeiroIndependent Director03/02/200519/11/2015
    John BuchananIndependent Director01/02/200314/07/2015
    Keith RumbleIndependent Director01/09/200822/05/2015
    David CrawfordIndependent Director01/05/199420/11/2014
    Graham KerrCEO01/10/2014
    Marius KloppersExecutive Director01/01/200601/10/2013
    Mike YeagerGeneral Manager26/04/200601/07/2013
    Alberto CalderonGeneral Manager10/05/2013
    Marcus RandolphGeneral Manager05/12/200510/05/2013
    Alex VanselowCFO01/03/200628/02/2012
    Alan BoeckmannNon Exec Director01/09/200823/03/2011
    Don ArgusDirector29/06/200130/03/2010
    Gail De PlanqueNon Exec Director19/10/200531/01/2010
    Paul AndersonNon Exec Director06/06/200631/01/2010
    David MorganNon Exec Director01/01/200824/11/2009
    Chip GoodyearCEO01/01/199930/09/2007
    Chris LynchExecutive Director01/01/200630/06/2007
    Mike SalamonExecutive Director01/06/200129/10/2006
    Michael ChaneyNon Exec Director01/05/199508/09/2005
    Robin RenwickNon Exec Director01/07/199708/09/2005
    Cornellius HerkstroterNon Exec Director01/07/199824/10/2003
    Brian GilbertsonCEO01/07/199706/01/2003
    John JacksonDeputy Chairman01/01/199704/11/2002
    John RalphNon Exec Director01/11/199704/11/2002
    Ben AlbertsNon Exec Director01/01/200030/06/2002
    Derek KeysNon Exec Director01/07/199730/06/2002
    Barry RomerilNon Exec Director01/11/199830/06/2002
    John CondeNon Exec Director01/03/199530/06/2002

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.