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Boardroom Pty Ltd
Level 8, 210 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Tel : +61 2 9290 9600 or 1300 737 760
Fax : +61 2 9279 0664 or 1300 653 459
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details

ISIN: AU000000AFA2
Address: Suite 2, 3B Macquarie Street, SYDNEY, NSW, AUSTRALIA, 2000
Tel:  (02) 9251 9088Fax: (02) 9251 9066

Date first listed: 29/05/1985

Sector: Diversified Financials Industry Group: XFJ
Activities: Property services and development including property project marketing of developments in Australia and China

News & Events

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securities reinstated to quotation


company releases various reports in conjunction with its forthcoming reinstatement on Tuesday 29 Jan


company confirms that its offer for shares under its current Prospectus successfully closed on 21 December 2007 with the company receiving well in excess of the minimum subscription - after final compliance with ASX Listing rules and re-quotation conditions, the expected date for re-quotation of the Company's shares on the Australian Stock Exchange is expected to be a date in mid January 2008


company resolves to extend the Closing Date for the Share Offer contained in the Company's current Prospectus to 21 December 2007 - the expected date for re-quotation of the Company's shares on ASX is a date in either late December 2007 or early January 2008


at the General Meeting of Shareholders held on Thursday 08 November 2007 at 10.15 am, all resolutions were carried unanimously by show of hands - shareholders resolved among other things to approve the consolidation by the Company of its share capital by consolidating every ten (10) ordinary shares on issue into one (1) ordinary share


the Company lodged a prospectus on 7 November 2007 with the Australian Securities & Investments Commission - this public offer document seeks to raise up to $5 million, with the first $1 million being underwritten by Novus Capital, and should facilitate the re-quotation of the Company's securities on the ASX , which the company anticipates will occur prior to 31 December 2007


company announces that it has established a wholly owned subsidiary, ASF Mongolian Resources Pty Ltd - the newly formed subsidiary will be the participating entity for any Mongolian based projects undertaken by the company


company says that it is presently in dispute with PRDnationwide Pty Ltd concerning the standing of the exclusive PRDnationwide licence for China and Macau ultimately held by ASF Properties Pty Limited under agreement with PRD Realty Pty Ltd


the annual general meeting of the Company is to be held in the Prince Albert Room, Sir Stamford Hotel at Circular Quay, 93 Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000 on 8 November 2007 commencing at 10 am - proxy forms must be received no later than 10:00am on 6 November 2007


company announces the formation of ASF Properties (Guangzhou) Co. Ltd a wholly owned Group company in China which is opening its new PRDnationwide China office in Guangzhou - the office will concentrate on the marketing of major property projects


company announces that it has been granted two Exploration Licences in the highly mineralised belt of western Tasmania


the company is planning to raise $5m to $10m via a public placement and is presently drafting a prospectus - the timing is expected to coincide with its AGM, planned for November - directors expect to have the company securities requoted by the end of 2007


company advises it has made a private placement by issuing 209m ordinary shares at 1 cent a share to raise $2.9m for working capital purposes


releases half yearly report and accounts


company announces that on March 9, 2007 it entered into an Agreement with United Minerals Corporation NL, a Perth based exploration company, to acquire 7 Exploration Licenses over mineral tenement areas at Ellendale South, West Kimberley, Western Australia


company advises that at the General Meeting of Shareholders held on Thursday 30 November 2006 at 11.15 am, all resolutions were carried unanimously by show of hands


releases its 2006 Annual General Meeting presentation


company advises that it completed a travel agency acquisition on 30 June 2006 by acquiring a 40 per cent shareholding in a new company known as Macau Multinational Holdings Limited (`Macau Multinational') from Mr Alex Lao who controls the remaining 60% of Macau Multinational


company enters into new Heads of Agreements relating to trade with Asia


name changed from CMC Power Systems Limited



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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)


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    Directors & Executives (current)

    Min YangChairman09/09/2005
    Alex LaoDeputy Chairman30/11/2006
    Geoff R. BakerDirector30/11/2006
    David FangDirector09/09/2005
    William KuanDirector, Company Secretary01/04/2014
    Wai HoDirector30/11/2006
    Louis ChienDirector01/05/2015

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Yong JiangDirector30/11/201228/05/2018
    Xin ZhangDirector08/02/201025/11/2016
    Alan HumphrisNon Exec Director05/09/200728/11/2013
    Lily LiuNon Exec Director28/11/200822/02/2011
    Qinglin ZhangNon Exec Director28/11/200819/02/2010
    Shikeng ZhangNon Exec Director26/02/2009
    Kassim SallehuddinNon Exec Director19/01/200409/09/2005
    James ChanNon Exec Director24/08/200405/09/2005
    Fank ChooNon Exec Director16/08/200224/08/2004
    Thomas GoslingNon Exec Director13/05/200424/08/2004
    Zakie ShariffAlternate Director27/11/199724/08/2004
    Graham FountainExecutive Chairman24/09/198219/01/2004
    Bernard TsungNon Exec Director30/11/200126/02/2003
    Ernest TanNon Exec Director21/06/200015/08/2002
    Teng TeoNon Exec Director01/12/199815/08/2002

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.