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ASX, Legal & CGT Status

Former (or subsequent) names

BIG STAR ENERGY LIMITED06/06/201812/05/2020
ANTARES ENERGY LIMITED29/11/200406/06/2018
AMITY OIL LIMITED08/05/200129/11/2004
AMITY OIL NL08/05/2001

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Our website ranking of AZZ: rating 4
(4 out of 5)



Security Transfer Australia Pty Ltd
No longer operating

Company details

Address: c/- Whittens & McKeough Level 29, 201 Elizabeth Street Sydney NSW 2000
Tel:  +61 2 8072 1400Fax: +61 2 8072 1440

Date first listed: 24/11/1994

Sector: Energy Industry Group: XEJ
Activities: International hydrocarbon exploration and production.

News & Events

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The Federal Court of Australia has found that Antares Energy Limited (Antares), now known as BLUE STAR HELIUM LIMITED, has breached continuous disclosure laws with ASX announcements made in 2015 regarding the sales of Antares' Northern Star and Big Star assets. Justice Banks-Smith found that Antares breached its continuous disclosure obligations and that former director James Cruickshank failed to discharge his duty as a director to act with the degree of care and diligence required.


a loss declaration has been issued in respect of the convertible notes (AZZG) and the capital loss can therefore be claimed in the financial year the declaration is issued - in this case 2017/18


name changed to Big Star Energy Limited


The company releases the Results of 2015 - 2017 Annual General Meetings.


The public offer has successfully closed, raising $1.65m (before costs) via the issue of 165,000,000 new shares at an issue price of $0.01 per share. The Public Offer was over-subscribed, which resulted in applicants being scaled back to accommodate for the extra demand. Following completion of the capital raising, the Company is working towards completion of the recapitalisation, which will result in the Company being reinstated to trading on the official list of the ASX.


The closing date of the public offer will be further extended in accordance with the revised indicative timetable. The closing date is now 30 May 2018.


The closing date of the public offer will be further extended to 23 May 2018.


The closing date of the public offer under the prospectus will be extended to 16 May 2018.


ASX has agreed to grant the company a waiver from ASX listing 14.7 to the extent necessary to enable the company to issue securities to parties by no later than 23 May 2018, being 4 months after shareholders approved the issue of securities at the EGM held on 23 January 2018.


The company's 2015 AGM will be held at 10.00am (AWST) on 31 May 2018 at Unit 6, 245 Churchill Avenue, Subiaco WA 6008. Subsequently, the company's 2016 and 2017 AGM will be held at 10.10am and 10.20am, respectively on the same date and at the same place.


The closing date of the public offer under the 11 April 2018 prospectus will be extended to 4 May 2018. The allotment of shares under the public offer is scheduled on 9 May 2018. Dispatch of holding statements will be on 10 May 2018 and the anticipated date the suspension will be lifted is on 17 May 2018.


The company issues a prospectus for the offer of 165,000,000 Shares at an issue price of 1 cent ($0.01) per Share to raise $1,650,000.


Following shareholder approval at the company's EGM on 23 January 2018, the company has completed the first placement, raising $376,875 (before costs). As a result, the Company has issued 150,000,000 fully paid ordinary shares at an issue price of $0.0025 per share and 75,000,000 unlisted options at an issue price of $0.000025 per option.


The company lodges its 2017 Annual Report.


The company releases its Appendix 4G and Corporate Governance Statement.


The DOCA entered into on 21 December 2016 was fully effectuated and terminated. The company has been released from administration and the creditors'trust has been established.


The period for the effectuation of the DOCA has been extended to 30 March 2018. The extension has been agreed with the DOCA proponent and is required to allow additional time to finalise the effectuation of the DOCA.


The deed administrators advise that the period for the effectuation of the Deed of Company Arrangement has been extended to 16 March 2018.


ASX has agreed to grant the Company a waiver from ASX Listing Rule 14.7 to the extent necessary to enable the Company to issue securities to related parties more than 1 month after Shareholders approved the issue of securities at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 23 January 2018.


The administrators advise that the period for the effectuation of the DOCA has been extended to 28 February 2018.


we understand that on or about this date the company consolidated its shares 1 for 15


The company releases the results of its meeting.


The company releases a notification of consolidation of its shares. Shareholders get 1 share for every 15 presently owned.


The administrators provide an update. ASX and ASIC have provided approval for the notice of meeting documents to be issued and the EGM to be convened.


The Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders will be at 2:00pm (Sydney time) on Tuesday, 23 January 2018 at: FTI Consulting, Level 15, 50 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000.


The period for the effectuation of the DOCA has been extended to 31 January 2017. The shareholder meeting is anticipated to be held in December 2017.


Stantons International AUdit & Consulty has been appointed as auditor of the company effective 17 October 2017. Ernst & Young provided their resignation as auditors following a decision by the deed administrators to engage a new audit firm.


The company lodges its Half Year Financial Report - 30 June 2017.


The company lodges its 2016 Annual Report.


The company lodges its Half Year Financial Report - 30 June 2016.


The company lodges its 2015 Annual Report.


The DOCA period has been extended by mutual agreement between the Deed Administrators and Pager Partners to 31 October 2017, pending a satisfactory outcome in relation to an approval of the recapitalisation from the ASX. The Company and Pager Partners are continuing to work together and a shareholders meeting will be convened in order for shareholders to vote on the recapitalisation proposal once approval is received from the ASX.


The DOCA to bring the recapitalisation proposal into effect was executed on 21 December 2016. The company and Pager Partners will now work together to convene a shareholders meeting in order for shareholders to vote on the recapitalisation proposal.


On 2 December 2016, the creditors of AZZ resolved to place AZZ into a Deed of Company Arrangement. In addition, the creditors resolved for Quentin Olde and Michael Ryan of FTI Consulting to act as the Deed Administrators. The Administrators are currently in the process of working with the deed proposer and will make a further announcement once the deed is executed.


The Administrators continue to conduct a process to seek expressions of interest to recapitalize AZZ, or to acquire the shares or assets of AZZ's U.S. subsidiary, Antares Energy Company. The expressions of interest process is scheduled to close on 23 September 2016.


The administrators have commenced a process to seek expressions of interest to recapitalize AZZ, or acquire the shares or assets of its U.S. subsidiary Antares Energy Company. This is an opportunity for interested Parties to invest in or acquire oil and gas exploration interests in the Permian Basin, Texas, U.S. with existing operational infrastructure.


Aurora Funds Management Limited ("Aurora") is pleased to announce some important changes to the Aurora Fortitude Absolute Return Fund, which directly impact the Aurora Absolute Return Fund. It is anticipated that the AFARF liquidity facility will enable the Fund to reintroduce its on-market buyback program, effective 31 August 2016.


The Court has made orders to extend the voluntary administration convening period for a period of up to 6 months. The extension application was made following a resolution passed by the Committee of Creditors supporting the Administrators' intention to make the application. The Administrators consider that an extension of the convening period will provide necessary time to undertake investigations into the Company and to pursue an asset sale strategy for the assets of the Company and its subsidiaries.


The administrators give notice that a meeting of the Committee of Creditors of Antares Energy Limited held at 5pm this evening, approved a recommendation that the Administrators make an application to the Supreme Court of NSW to extend the voluntary administration convening period for a period of up to 6 months. The application is anticipated to be made early next week.


Quentin James Olde and Michael Joseph Ryan of FTI Consulting give notice that at 11:30am (AWST) on 10 May 2016, they replaced Bryan Kevin Hughes and Daniel Johannes Bredenkamp of Pitcher Partners as Joint and Several Voluntary Administrators of Antares Energy Limited, following a resolution passed at the first meeting of creditors.


The company provides a general update on the status of the administration.


At approximately 9:00 am (WST) on Thursday, 28 April 2016, the Board of Directors ("˜the Board') of Antares Energy Limited appointed Bryan Kevin Hughes and Daniel Johannes Bredenkamp of Pitcher Partners as Joint and Several Administrators of the Company pursuant to section 436A of the Corporations Act 2001.


The Noteholder Meeting will be resumed and held at 12.00pm (WST) / 2.00pm (EST) on Friday, 29 April 2016 at the Parmelia Hilton Perth, 14 Mill Street, Perth, Western Australia and at the offices of the Trustee's counsel, Baker & McKenzie, at Level 27, AMP Centre, 50 Bridge Street, Sydney, New South Wales.


The company advises that at yesterday's meeting of convertible noteholders, the Noteholders resolved to adjourn the meeting until 12.00pm (WST) on 29 April 2016.


The company releases a letter to its noteholders from the chairman which details the circumstances of the noteholders' meeting on the 31st of March 2016. The following points were discussed: Preparation for Redemptions 30th October 2015; Southern Star Sale Considerations; Pursuit of Liquidity Event; The Pledge during 30th October 2015 "“ 31st March 2015; Resolution One "“ Vote Yes; Resolution Two "“ Vote No.


Antares Energy Limited is pleased to provide a further update concerning its ongoing endeavours to achieve a liquidity event through an outright sale or joint venture of one or both of its Permian Projects or alternatively the refinancing of its listed convertible notes


The Trustee for the Noteholders has advised the Company of the results from their meeting held in Sydney on 21 March 2016.


The company issues a response to the ASX query regarding the note repayment extension and the delayed assets sale.


The company releases a trustee letter to its noteholders regarding the recommendations on the resolutions for the noteholders meeting and the trustee's current intention to proceed with the Sydney meeting as scheduled on 21 March 2016 at 3:00 pm.


A Notice of Meeting was sent to all Convertible Noteholders for a meeting to be held on Thursday, 31 March 2016 at the Parmelia Hilton Perth, 14 Mill Street, Perth, Western Australia. Also, a Notice of Meeting was sent by the Trustee to all Convertible Noteholders for a meeting to be held on Monday, 21 March 2016 at Baker & McKenzie, Level 27, AMP Centre, 50 Bridge Street, Sydney, New South Wales


The company issues a final share buyback notice.


The company lodges a final convertible note buyback notice.


The company lodges its quarterly activities and cash flow report.


The company provides a notification of interest payment.


The quarterly interest payment on the Antares Energy Limited Convertible Notes (AZZG) will occur on Friday 29 January 2016.


Antares Energy Limited (ASX:AZZ) advises that the proposed closing of both Purchase and Sale Agreements has not occurred today in Houston, Texas on the 30th November 2015 as contracted, due to Antares having received a request for an extension. The Board of Directors is negotiating amendments to the transaction documents and will advise of the outcome of negotiations as soon as complete.


The Directors advise that all resolutions detailed in the Notice of Meeting of Antares Energy Limited were passed unanimously by the requisite majority on a show of hands at the General Meeting of the Noteholders held on 30 October 2015.


The company lodges its quarterly activity report for the quarter ended 30 September 2015.


Antares is continuing to progress the sale of its Northern Star and Big Star assets to a private equity buyer.The sale agreements were executed by Antares Energy Company, a subsidiary of Santa Energy Pty Ltd, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Antares. Antares is continuing to manage the Northern Star and Big Star field operations in a prudent manner while progressing the sale of the assets. As with all transactions of this nature, completion remains subject to closing risks but the parties are working co-operatively towards completion of the transactions.


The company announces the convertible notes dates for quarterly interest payment.


The company issues a notification of interest payment and interest rate change.


The securities of Antares Energy Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately by ASX.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Antares Energy Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, following receipt of an announcement regarding the Company's operations. Security Code: AZZ AZZG


The securities of Antares Energy Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. Security Code: AZZ AZZG


shares reinstated to quotation


trading in the securities of the Company will remain suspended until 30 November 2010. The further period of suspension is necessary to protect against the potential proliferation of price-sensitive market misinformation during the period while the Company is finalising the sale process surrounding its Yellow Rose and Bluebonnet assets


securities suspended from quotation pending an announcement


shares reinstated to quotation


securities suspended from quotation pending an announcement


shares reinstated to quotation


shares suspended from quotation pending release of an announcement


shares reinstated to quotation


shares suspended from quotation pending release of an announcement


name changed from Amity Oil Limited



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ASX, Legal & CGT Status

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Do the bonds coded AZZH have any value?

08/07/2018 16:17:08

Do the bonds coded AZZH have any value?

08/07/2018 16:15:18

This company AZZ also has bonds listed on the ASX uner the code AZZG.


Will it be possible to sell these bonds on your site.



29/04/2018 15:45:26

What is happening with our shares>  Need an update

03/11/2016 16:09:05

Company Updates

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    ASX, Legal & CGT Status

    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

    rss feeds

    Purchases Sales

    05/01/2015James Cruickshank50,000$0.200$10,000
    29/12/2014Mark Clohessy100,000$0.210$20,693
    13/11/2014James Cruickshank25,000$0.375$9,375
    05/11/2014James Cruickshank50,000$0.385$19,250
    25/06/2014Gregory Shoemaker15,335$0.510$7,821

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)

    James CruickshankChairman, CEO08/10/2004
    Ross WarnerExecutive Chairman23/03/2018
    Joanne KendrickManaging Director23/03/2018
    Graeme SmithCFO01/01/2009
    Michael PollakNon Exec Director23/03/2018
    Mark ClohessyNon Exec Director16/10/2009
    Gregory ShoemakerDirector16/10/2009
    Vicky McAppionDirector16/10/2009
    Andrew WhittenCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Kelli RoachDirector03/01/201230/04/2014
    Matthew GentryDirector, COO16/10/200916/01/2013
    Richard ElliottNon Exec Chairman16/10/2009
    Bill HassellNon Exec Director03/09/200416/10/2009
    Howard McLaughlinManaging Director, CEO17/06/200330/06/2008
    Fraser CampbellNon Exec Director26/03/200201/04/2008
    Gavin RezosNon Exec Director31/08/2004
    Anthony BartonChairman05/06/200224/11/2003
    Peter AllchurchExecutive Director21/05/198725/08/2003
    Michael BlakistonNon Exec Director28/11/200009/09/2002
    Eric HughesFinance Director26/03/2002

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.