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Former (or subsequent) names

ADVANCE NANOTEK LIMITED25/10/201723/11/2021
ANTARIA LIMITED23/07/200813/07/2016

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(2 out of 5)



Computershare Communication Services
117 Victoria St, West End QLD 4101
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 7 3237 2152
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Company details

ISIN: AU000000ANO7
Address: 1821 Ipswich Road, Rocklea, QLD 4106
Tel:  +61 7 3726 2030

Date first listed: 24/02/2005

Sector: Materials Industry Group: XMJ
Activities: Developer and manufacturer of advanced materials products

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name changed to Advance Zinctek Limited


The suspension of trading in the securities of Advance NanoTek Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by ANO of a response to the ASX Query letter in regards to the Patent Update.


The company issues a response to ASX Query Letter.


ANO has received the report from MSL Solution Providers in London on Saturday and the results are in line with the Board's expectations confirming the underlying science in the patent application (#2020900820) jointly owned with Astivita Limited. The two Boards are looking to commercialise the first product using zinc and hinokitiol, the subject of the patent application, which the Companies intend to market in Europe through Amazon UK. The Board is unable to predict the impact to revenue from royalties and the success of Astivita's product at this very early stage until Astivita release the product, and do not expect this to have a material effect on the results in FY2020.


The securities of Advance NanoTek Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.3, pending further inquiries by ASX. The securities will remain suspended until further notice.


ANO's securities will be reinstated to official quotation at the commencement of trading on 3 April 2020 following the release: on 2 April 2020 of ANO's announcement entitled "Retraction of Announcements" on the ASX market announcements platform and of this announcement on MAP, attaching ANO's response to further queries from ASX.


The ANO Board requests that if they can't agree, they retract all announcements since 16 March 2020, except for the patent application, ANO Business Update 26 March 2020 and the Appendix 3Y, from the ASX platform and have the suspension lifted.


ANO submitted its 11 page reply to the ASX Query Letter at 9:32am Brisbane time Tuesday morning, 31 March 2020. The Board still believes the announcement of 18 March 2020, not released to market, answered all the relevant questions appropriately.


On 19 March 2020, 20 March 2020 and 23 March 2020, ASX advised ANO and its advisers that its response to ASX's query letter were incomplete and unsatisfactory and that ANO's shares would remain in suspension until they provide proper responses to ASX's queries. ANO has not provided an updated response. ASX has today issued ANO with a further query letter outlining the further information ANO is required to provide and advising that they will remain in suspension until satisfactory responses have been received and ASX otherwise considers it appropriate to reinstate ANO to quotation.


ANO continues to produce zinc oxide and one of our large customers in the US has reconfirmed their prior orders for 80 MT plus for April, May and June. They are sending additional final products (powder and dispersions) to the US and Europe and will continue to do this on a weekly basis. The company has today received two new orders from Merck which doubles their orders for calendar 2020 to $3.2 million. They have placed significant orders for raw materials and are investing in spare parts to ensure they have continuous supply of Alusion to Merck over the next 12 months. ANO is looking into the production of zinc gluconate with lab trials about to start. Software has been installed successfully by SenterpriSys Limited to allow key functions within the business to be completed by staff from home if required. ASX have raised rumours in regards to margin calls by Directors on Wednesday morning, 18 March 2020. The Board confirms to all shareholders that there are no margin loans in place by any Director. The Board is going to investigate listing on NASDAQ.


The company has just received a query letter from the enforcement team at 2:28pm. The ASX release was submitted to the ASX on 18 March 2020 and requested the voluntary suspension be lifted. Since then, ASX imposed a temporary suspension until the query letter is answered.


The securities of Advance NanoTek Limited will remain suspended from quotation under Listing Rule 17.3, pending further enquires by ASX.


ANO confirms that it has prepared an ASX announcement for release to market today. However, they will be receiving a query letter from the Enforcement Team which they are yet to receive hence delaying this release to market.


The securities of Advance NanoTek Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of ANO, pending the release of an announcement regarding the patent application.


name changed from Advanced Nano Technologies Limited



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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    17/11/2021Lev Mizikovsky32,609$3.400$110,871
    10/11/2021Lev Mizikovsky39,004$3.400$132,614
    08/11/2021Lev Mizikovsky124,842$3.540$441,963
    03/11/2021Lev Mizikovsky6,154$3.400$20,924
    05/10/2021Lev Mizikovsky20,000$3.560$71,200

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)

    Lev MizikovskyNon Exec Chairman10/04/2015
    Geoff ActonManaging Director, Company Secretary15/07/2015
    Laurie LefcourtIndependent Director28/06/2019
    Rade DudurovicNon Exec Director02/11/2011
    Narelle LynchCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Ron HighamNon Exec Director06/05/201316/03/2016
    Paul PisasaleNon Exec Director25/02/201330/06/2015
    John YoungNon Exec Director05/10/200706/05/2013
    Deborah CooperNon Exec Director20/09/201029/08/2012
    Robert MangioniNon Exec Chairman04/11/200406/02/2012
    Deana CesariCFO24/02/200506/02/2012
    Bruce CameronExecutive Chairman18/12/200622/11/2010
    Paul McCormickCEO10/01/200002/02/2010
    David GriffithsNon Exec Director11/12/200320/11/2008
    Harold CloughChairman10/01/200021/11/2007
    Thibaut MortierExecutive Director05/10/200729/08/2000

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.