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Boardroom Pty Ltd
Level 8, 210 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Tel : +61 2 9290 9600 or 1300 737 760
Fax : +61 2 9279 0664 or 1300 653 459
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details

ISIN: AU000000UCM2
Address: Suite 2, Level 8 66-74 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Tel:  (02) 9247 4144Fax: (02) 9247 8157

Date first listed: 10/12/2003

Sector: Health Care Equipment & Services Industry Group: XHJ
Activities: Commercialisation of the USCOM Monitor, a device that provides an alternative to existing invasive and expensive methods of cardiac output measurement

News & Events

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The suspension of trading in the securities of USCOM Ltd will be lifted immediately, following the release by UCM of an announcement regarding a clarification of a recent announcement of UCM's orders.


The company releases a clarification to market in response to a request for further information and suspension from the ASX. Uscom is planning to increase manufacturing output by approximately 121% on 10 year average outputs to meet the anticipated demand for H2. Unit orders for the first five weeks of 2020 are up 124% compared to the first full two months of 2019 from 17 to 38 (unaudited), and prior to the Government announcement. Uscom will continue to update the market with material information as it is confirmed and will release its 4C as required.


The securities of USCOM Ltd will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.3, pending the release of an announcement regarding a clarification of a recent announcement of UCM's orders.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Uscom Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, following receipt of an announcement regarding a capital raising and transaction. Security Code: UCM


The company s pleased to announce the completion of a $1.55m Placement to professional and sophisticated investors (Placement). The company is also pleased to announce a Share Purchase Plan (SPP) to be underwritten up to $400k by Patersons Securities Limited (Patersons). The proceeds from the capital raise will be used to fund the acquisition of Thor Laboratories KFT (Thor), integration of Thor's operations into Uscom's existing operations, and for working capital.


The company releases its July 2015 Investor Presentation.


The securities of Uscom Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement regarding a capital raising and transaction. Security Code: UCM


listed entity carried for record purposes only



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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

    rss feeds

    Purchases Sales

    29/06/2021Rob Phillips165,579$0.166$27,453
    28/06/2021Rob Phillips644,627$0.159$102,293
    26/05/2021Xianhui Meng422,292$0.178$75,081
    25/05/2021Xianhui Meng1,000,000$0.145$144,643
    09/12/2020Brett Crowley200,000$0.186$37,274

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)

    Rob PhillipsChairman, CEO23/12/1999
    Christian BerneckerNon Exec Director25/11/2011
    Brett CrowleyNon Exec Director, Company Secretary23/08/2018
    Xianhui MengNon Exec Director16/12/2019

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Sheena JackNon Exec Director25/11/201123/08/2018
    David HeDirector23/03/201623/05/2018

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.