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22 January 2025
ISIN: | AU000000TLS2 | ||||||
Date of Listing: | 17 November 1997 | ||||||
Former Names: |
Stock Exchange Status: (updated daily)
This entity is currently listed and quoted on the Australian Securities Exchange.Legal Status: (updated monthly)
ACN: 051 775 556ABN: 33 051 775 556
Registration Date: 06 November 1991
Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Status: (updated at least quarterly)
To crystallise a capital gain or capital loss on your securities in this entity, you are able to sell your securities on-market in the normal manner. If you determine that the market in your securities is illiquid and you still wish to crystallise a capital gain or loss, kindly contact deListed at for suggestions as to how you might proceed.
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Getting advice: Information provided in this section is of a general nature and applicable only to Australian tax residents who hold their investments on capital account (ie for long-term investment purposes). It has been prepared without taking into account your financial needs or tax situation. Before acting on the information, deListed suggests that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances and recommends that you seek independent legal, financial, or taxation advice.
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many shareholders in this company have unclaimed money due to them - deListed provides a tracing service for a small administration fee that identifies where people can find unclaimed monies arising from compulsory acquisitions and also from dividend distributions, super contributions, inoperative bank, building society or credit union accounts, bequests and other sources - please click here for access to our Lost shares, Lost money?? service | 31/03/2022 |
Class Action - Justice Peter Jacobsen officially approves the settlement (details immediately below) in the Federal Court | 13/12/2007 |
Class Action - reports that Telstra will pay up to $5 million to settle the $300 million class action - Slater & Gordon said that, after legal and administrative costs, investors were expected to share about $3.7 million in compensation from Telstra - the decision, announced in the Federal Court of Australia today and subject to its approval, will affect up to 30,000 Telstra investors, which equates to $123.33 per investor (if all persons who purchased shares in Telstra in the Period participate in the settlement scheme then the payment to each will be less than 1 cent per share purchased in the Period - if fewer Eligible Claimants participate in the settlement scheme then the payment will be higher, up to a maximum of 5 cents per share purchased in the Period) | 11/11/2007 |
Class Action - this matter was in court for a directions hearing on 6 February 2007 - the court has made various orders in relation to opt out notices and the serving of evidence - the matter will return to court for a directions hearing on 30 October 2007 and a tentative hearing date has been set for 26 November 2007 | 20/02/2007 |
on 19 November 2006 the Commonwealth conducted a sale of shares in Telstra - the T3 share offer - the ATO says as to the tax consequences "Individual shareholder participants were required to pay $2.00 per instalment receipt (IR) with their application. They are liable to pay a final instalment of $1.60 per share on or before 29 May 2008. They have a right to receive one bonus loyalty share for every 25 IRs they hold. Shareholder participants who prepaid the final instalment before 31 March 2008 will receive a discount on the final instalment but the right to receive 1 bonus loyalty share for every 25 IRs held will have lapsed. You may make a capital gain or loss in respect of your IRs or bonus loyalty share rights if you: ? prepay your final instalment ? sell your instalment receipts, or ? default on payment of your final instalment. Shareholders will have two CGT events (disposal of the IRs and bonus loyalty share right) if they prepaid the final instalment, sold the IRs or default on the final instalment. For CGT purposes the cost base is $3.46 per share, assuming that the final instalment is not prepaid.(and therefore does not qualify for a discount). The cost base of each bonus loyalty share right is $3.46, assuming that the final instalment is not prepaid. Where you prepay your instalment before 31 March 2008 you will make a capital loss in respect of your bonus loyalty share rights, because they will cease to exist. As you are entitled to one bonus loyalty share right for every 25 IRs you hold, your capital loss will be $3.46 for every 25 instalment receipts you prepay. You make a capital gain or capital loss on your instalment receipts and bonus loyalty share rights if you sell some or all of your instalment receipts before 29 May 2008, depending on your cost base and the amount you received for them." | 19/11/2006 |
Class Action - Telstra is proceeding with its strike out application - it is listed for hearing on 26 October 2006 | 18/09/2006 |
Class Action - an amended Statement of Claim is filed - it is confined to shareholders who purchased shares between 11 Aug 2005 and 7 Sept 2005 | 25/08/2006 |
calculating your capital gain/loss and preparing your 2005/06 tax return - if you sold Telstra shares during 2005/06, you need to include dividends you received at Item 11 in your tax return and a capital gain or capital loss at Item 17 in the supplementary section - to calculate the gain/loss you need to work out what the Tax Office calls your ‘cost base' and ‘reduced cost base' - both are essentially what the shares cost you, but the cost base may be indexed up for inflation whereas the reduced cost base isn't - if you acquired your shares in the first Telstra float (T1), they cost $3.30 each (first instalment $1.95 & second instalment $1.35) - if you acquired them in the second Telstra float (T2), they cost $7.40 (first instalment $4.50 & second instalment $2.90) - if you acquired the shares at some other time, you will need to look back and find what you paid for them | 30/06/2006 |
Class Action - Slater & Gordon are currently reviewing documents provided by Telstra pursuant to orders of the Court made on 31 March 2006 - the matter is due back in Court for Directions on 28 July - however, there has been delay by Telstra in providing the documents and the discovery process is not yet complete - it is therefore likely the Directions Hearing will need to be adjourned to a later date to allow completion of inspection | 22/06/2006 |
Class Action - at a Directions Hearing today the Federal Court made orders dealing with two preliminary matters: firstly, Slater & Gordon's client is seeking an order for preliminary discovery, by which Telstra would be required to inform the client of when it first formed its opinion about the past underspend and future revenue decline (once this date is known, Slater & Gordon will be able to accurately define the "class" of people to whom the claim relates) and secondly, Telstra is seeking to have the claim (or parts of it) struck out - both matters are being dealt with together at a hearing on 31 March 2006 | 10/02/2006 |
Class Action - Slater & Gordon file an action in the Federal Court following on from the selective release of a briefing paper on Telstra's finances last year - shareholders will claim they paid inflated prices for Telstra shares because the company had hidden important financial information about its future earnings and past investments - the statement of claim alleges that on August 11, Telstra gave the private briefing to senior federal ministers forecasting a drop in future earnings and revealing a $3 billion underspend on operating and capital expenditure in the previous three to five years | 13/01/2006 |
on 15 November 2004, Telstra announced the results of an off-market share buy-back - shareholders who took part in the buy-back received $4.05 per share, which included a fully franked dividend of $2.55 per share - the shares sold under the buy-back were disposed of on 14 November 2004 - according to the Australian Taxation Office for capital gains tax purposes, they are taken to have received $2.25 per share - if the capital proceeds of $2.25 were more than the cost base of the share, the difference is a capital gain to the shareholder in 2004-05 - if $2.25 was less than the share's reduced cost base, the difference is a capital loss | 14/11/2004 |
in November 2003, Telstra undertook an off-market share buy-back - shareholders who took part in the buy-back received $4.20 per share, which included a fully franked dividend of $2.70 per share - according to the Australian Taxation Office, if the capital proceeds of $1.50 were more than the cost base of the share, the difference was a capital gain in 2003-04 - if $1.50 was less than the share's reduced cost base, the difference was a capital loss | 30/11/2003 |
according to the Australian Tax Office with regard to public share offer T2, the Telstra public shares were acquired on 22 October 1999 if the instalment receipts were purchased through the offer - indexation does not apply as the shares were acquired after 11.45am (by legal time in the ACT) on 21 September 1999 | 22/10/1999 |
according to the Australian Tax Office with regard to public share offer T1, the shares were acquired on 15 November 1997 - for shareholders who use the indexation method in calculating their capital gain, they index their first and final instalments from 15 November 1997 | 15/11/1997 |
name changed from Australian and Overseas Telecommunications Corporation Limited | 06/05/1993 |
many shareholders in this company have unclaimed money due to them - deListed provides a tracing service for a small administration fee that identifies where people can find unclaimed monies arising from compulsory acquisitions and also from dividend distributions, super contributions, inoperative bank, building society or credit union accounts, bequests and other sources - please click here for access to our Lost shares, Lost money?? service | 31/03/2022 |
Class Action - Justice Peter Jacobsen officially approves the settlement (details immediately below) in the Federal Court | 13/12/2007 |
Class Action - reports that Telstra will pay up to $5 million to settle the $300 million class action - Slater & Gordon said that, after legal and administrative costs, investors were expected to share about $3.7 million in compensation from Telstra - the decision, announced in the Federal Court of Australia today and subject to its approval, will affect up to 30,000 Telstra investors, which equates to $123.33 per investor (if all persons who purchased shares in Telstra in the Period participate in the settlement scheme then the payment to each will be less than 1 cent per share purchased in the Period - if fewer Eligible Claimants participate in the settlement scheme then the payment will be higher, up to a maximum of 5 cents per share purchased in the Period) | 11/11/2007 |
Class Action - this matter was in court for a directions hearing on 6 February 2007 - the court has made various orders in relation to opt out notices and the serving of evidence - the matter will return to court for a directions hearing on 30 October 2007 and a tentative hearing date has been set for 26 November 2007 | 20/02/2007 |
on 19 November 2006 the Commonwealth conducted a sale of shares in Telstra - the T3 share offer - the ATO says as to the tax consequences "Individual shareholder participants were required to pay $2.00 per instalment receipt (IR) with their application. They are liable to pay a final instalment of $1.60 per share on or before 29 May 2008. They have a right to receive one bonus loyalty share for every 25 IRs they hold. Shareholder participants who prepaid the final instalment before 31 March 2008 will receive a discount on the final instalment but the right to receive 1 bonus loyalty share for every 25 IRs held will have lapsed. You may make a capital gain or loss in respect of your IRs or bonus loyalty share rights if you: ? prepay your final instalment ? sell your instalment receipts, or ? default on payment of your final instalment. Shareholders will have two CGT events (disposal of the IRs and bonus loyalty share right) if they prepaid the final instalment, sold the IRs or default on the final instalment. For CGT purposes the cost base is $3.46 per share, assuming that the final instalment is not prepaid.(and therefore does not qualify for a discount). The cost base of each bonus loyalty share right is $3.46, assuming that the final instalment is not prepaid. Where you prepay your instalment before 31 March 2008 you will make a capital loss in respect of your bonus loyalty share rights, because they will cease to exist. As you are entitled to one bonus loyalty share right for every 25 IRs you hold, your capital loss will be $3.46 for every 25 instalment receipts you prepay. You make a capital gain or capital loss on your instalment receipts and bonus loyalty share rights if you sell some or all of your instalment receipts before 29 May 2008, depending on your cost base and the amount you received for them." | 19/11/2006 |
Class Action - Telstra is proceeding with its strike out application - it is listed for hearing on 26 October 2006 | 18/09/2006 |
Class Action - an amended Statement of Claim is filed - it is confined to shareholders who purchased shares between 11 Aug 2005 and 7 Sept 2005 | 25/08/2006 |
calculating your capital gain/loss and preparing your 2005/06 tax return - if you sold Telstra shares during 2005/06, you need to include dividends you received at Item 11 in your tax return and a capital gain or capital loss at Item 17 in the supplementary section - to calculate the gain/loss you need to work out what the Tax Office calls your ‘cost base' and ‘reduced cost base' - both are essentially what the shares cost you, but the cost base may be indexed up for inflation whereas the reduced cost base isn't - if you acquired your shares in the first Telstra float (T1), they cost $3.30 each (first instalment $1.95 & second instalment $1.35) - if you acquired them in the second Telstra float (T2), they cost $7.40 (first instalment $4.50 & second instalment $2.90) - if you acquired the shares at some other time, you will need to look back and find what you paid for them | 30/06/2006 |
Class Action - Slater & Gordon are currently reviewing documents provided by Telstra pursuant to orders of the Court made on 31 March 2006 - the matter is due back in Court for Directions on 28 July - however, there has been delay by Telstra in providing the documents and the discovery process is not yet complete - it is therefore likely the Directions Hearing will need to be adjourned to a later date to allow completion of inspection | 22/06/2006 |
Class Action - at a Directions Hearing today the Federal Court made orders dealing with two preliminary matters: firstly, Slater & Gordon's client is seeking an order for preliminary discovery, by which Telstra would be required to inform the client of when it first formed its opinion about the past underspend and future revenue decline (once this date is known, Slater & Gordon will be able to accurately define the "class" of people to whom the claim relates) and secondly, Telstra is seeking to have the claim (or parts of it) struck out - both matters are being dealt with together at a hearing on 31 March 2006 | 10/02/2006 |
Class Action - Slater & Gordon file an action in the Federal Court following on from the selective release of a briefing paper on Telstra's finances last year - shareholders will claim they paid inflated prices for Telstra shares because the company had hidden important financial information about its future earnings and past investments - the statement of claim alleges that on August 11, Telstra gave the private briefing to senior federal ministers forecasting a drop in future earnings and revealing a $3 billion underspend on operating and capital expenditure in the previous three to five years | 13/01/2006 |
on 15 November 2004, Telstra announced the results of an off-market share buy-back - shareholders who took part in the buy-back received $4.05 per share, which included a fully franked dividend of $2.55 per share - the shares sold under the buy-back were disposed of on 14 November 2004 - according to the Australian Taxation Office for capital gains tax purposes, they are taken to have received $2.25 per share - if the capital proceeds of $2.25 were more than the cost base of the share, the difference is a capital gain to the shareholder in 2004-05 - if $2.25 was less than the share's reduced cost base, the difference is a capital loss | 14/11/2004 |
in November 2003, Telstra undertook an off-market share buy-back - shareholders who took part in the buy-back received $4.20 per share, which included a fully franked dividend of $2.70 per share - according to the Australian Taxation Office, if the capital proceeds of $1.50 were more than the cost base of the share, the difference was a capital gain in 2003-04 - if $1.50 was less than the share's reduced cost base, the difference was a capital loss | 30/11/2003 |
according to the Australian Tax Office with regard to public share offer T2, the Telstra public shares were acquired on 22 October 1999 if the instalment receipts were purchased through the offer - indexation does not apply as the shares were acquired after 11.45am (by legal time in the ACT) on 21 September 1999 | 22/10/1999 |
according to the Australian Tax Office with regard to public share offer T1, the shares were acquired on 15 November 1997 - for shareholders who use the indexation method in calculating their capital gain, they index their first and final instalments from 15 November 1997 | 15/11/1997 |
name changed from Australian and Overseas Telecommunications Corporation Limited | 06/05/1993 |
Your browser may reflect a date of printing in American format.
Were there any corporate actions since T3 that would affect cost? | 17/06/2021 18:27:25 |
What was the price and dates of the various installments for T1, 2 and 3? | 17/03/2015 14:37:06 |
Thanks for this. Very useful. | 14/01/2014 11:24:04 |
29/10/2024 | Bridget Loudon | 49,870 | $3.870 | $192,997 |
17/10/2024 | Maxine Brenner | 23,900 | $3.900 | $93,210 |
16/10/2024 | Ming Long | 29,011 | $3.880 | $112,563 |
16/10/2024 | Craig Dunn | 29,353 | $3.885 | $114,047 |
19/04/2024 | Elana Rubin | 19,424 | $3.943 | $76,582 |
Craig Dunn | Chairman | 12/04/2016 |
Vicki Brady | CEO | 01/07/2019 |
Brendon Riley | COO | 20/01/2011 |
Michael Ackland | CFO | 01/09/2022 |
David Lamont | Non Exec Director | 03/12/2024 |
Ming Long | Non Exec Director | 01/01/2023 |
Elana Rubin | Non Exec Director | 14/02/2020 |
Maxine Brenner | Non Exec Director | 17/02/2023 |
Roy Chestnutt | Non Exec Director | 11/05/2018 |
Bridget Loudon | Non Exec Director | 14/08/2020 |
Eelco Blok | Non Exec Director | 15/02/2019 |
Craig Emery | Company Secretary | 15/10/2024 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
Niek Jan van Damme | Non Exec Director | 16/10/2018 | 15/10/2024 |
Sue Laver | Company Secretary | 15/10/2024 | |
John Mullen | Non Exec Chairman | 01/07/2008 | 17/10/2023 |
Nora Scheinkestel | Non Exec Director | 12/08/2010 | 11/10/2022 |
Andrew Penn | CEO | 01/03/2012 | 01/09/2022 |
Peter Hearl | Non Exec Director | 14/08/2014 | 31/12/2021 |
Margaret Seale | Non Exec Director | 07/05/2012 | 12/10/2021 |
Carmel Mulhern | General Counsel | 01/07/2000 | 31/01/2020 |
Warwick Bray | CFO | 29/04/2015 | 01/07/2019 |
Jane Hemstritch | Non Exec Director | 12/08/2016 | 15/01/2019 |
Trae Vassallo | Non Exec Director | 13/10/2015 | 16/10/2018 |
Steven Vamos | Non Exec Director | 15/09/2009 | 16/10/2018 |
Russell Higgins | Non Exec Director | 15/09/2009 | 16/10/2018 |
Chin Hu Lim | Non Exec Director | 09/08/2013 | 11/10/2016 |
Kate McKenzie | COO | 01/10/2013 | 25/07/2016 |
Catherine Livingstone | Chairman | 17/11/2000 | 27/04/2016 |
Geoffrey Cousins | Director | 14/11/2006 | 13/10/2015 |
John Zeglis | Director | 17/05/2006 | 13/10/2015 |
David Thodey | CEO | 19/05/2009 | 01/05/2015 |
John Stocker | Director | 14/10/1996 | 16/10/2012 |
Timothy Chen | Non Exec Director | 30/03/2012 | 05/10/2012 |
Mark Hall | CFO | 01/01/2012 | 28/02/2012 |
John Stanhope | Executive Director, CFO | 08/05/2009 | 14/12/2011 |
John Stewart | Non Exec Director | 28/04/2008 | 18/10/2011 |
Charles Macek | Non Exec Director | 16/11/2001 | 04/11/2009 |
Peter Willcox | Non Exec Director | 17/05/2006 | 27/08/2009 |
Sol Trujillo | CEO | 01/07/2005 | 30/06/2009 |
Donald McGauchie | Non Exec Director, Chairman | 08/09/1998 | 08/05/2009 |
Belinda Hutchinson | Non Exec Director | 16/11/2001 | 20/09/2007 |
John Fletcher | Non Exec Director | 17/11/2000 | 30/06/2006 |
John Ralph | Deputy Chairman | 14/10/1996 | 11/08/2005 |
Anthony Clark | Non Exec Director | 14/10/1996 | 11/08/2005 |
Ziggy Switkowski | Managing Director | 01/03/1999 | 01/07/2005 |
Sam Chisholm | Non Exec Director | 17/11/2000 | 28/10/2004 |
Bill Owens | Non Exec Director | 16/11/2001 | 06/05/2004 |
Bob Mansfield | Chairman | 12/11/1999 | 14/04/2004 |
Norman Adler | Non Exec Director | 01/10/1996 | 16/11/2001 |
Malcolm Irving | Non Exec Director | 01/07/1997 | 16/11/2001 |
Elizabeth Nosworthy | Non Exec Director | 01/12/1991 | 16/11/2001 |
Date of first appointment, title may have changed.
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