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Registry Direct
Level 6, 2 Russell Street, Melbourne Vic 3000 PO Box 572, Sandringham VIC 3191
Tel : 1300 55 66 35
Fax : +61 3 9111 5652
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details

ISIN: AU000000RPG2
Address: Suite 301 Level 3 25 Elkhorn Avenue Surfers Paradise 4217
Tel:  (07) 5531 8100Fax: (07) 5570 3346

Date first listed: 17/07/1986

Sector: Real Estate Industry Group: XFJ
Activities: Integrated residential, resort, retail and commercial development

News & Events

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The suspension of trading in the securities of Raptis Group Limited will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Tuesday, 3 May 2022 following lodgement of its quarterly activities report for the quarter ended 31 March 2022.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities/Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report.


The securities of the entity will be suspended from Official Quotation in accordance with Listing Rule 17.5 from the commencement of trading today, 2 May 2022, following their failure to lodge the relevant periodic report by the due date.


The securities of Raptis Group Limited will be reinstated to Official Quotation as from the commencement of trading today Tuesday, 6 April 2021 following lodgement of its Half Year Financial Report for the half year ended 31 December 2020.


The company lodges its Half Year Accounts.


The securities of the entity will be suspended from Official Quotation in accordance with Listing Rule 17.5 from the commencement of trading today, 1 March 2021, following its failure to lodge the relevant periodic report by the due date.


The securities of Raptis Group Limited will be reinstated to Official Quotation as from the commencement of trading today Friday, 13 November 2020 following lodgement of its Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2020.


The company lodges its Annual Report to shareholders.


The contract of sale for the Waterpoint Residence management rights assets has settled for $7,945,100. A contribution to net profit will be recognised in the six months to 31 December 2020. The profit on sale is anticipated to be in the order of $400,000. The annual report for the year to 30 June 2020 will be lodged prior to the end of October 2020. The company is of the view that the ASIC relief 2020/451 would be available to extend the lodgement date to 31 October 2020. The ASX have informed the company that a temporary suspension of trading is appropriate in the circumstances, and will be lifted when the report is lodged.


The securities of the company will be suspended from Official Quotation in accordance with Listing Rule 17.5 from the commencement of trading today, 1 October 2020, following their failure to lodge the relevant periodic report by the due date.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Raptis Group Limited (the "Company") will be lifted before the commencement of trading tomorrow, 10 December 2015, following the Company's re-compliance with Chapter 12 of the ASX Listing Rules Security Code: RPG


The company provides the Chairman's Address for the Shareholders Meeting.


The company releases the Results of its Annual General Meeting 2015.


The company advises that all resolutions proposed at the shareholders' meeting today were passed.


The company provides the chairman's address at the shareholders' meeting


Notice is hereby given that the 2015 Annual General Meeting of Raptis Group Limited ("Company") will be held at the offices of Russell Bedford Chartered Accountants, Level 29, Suncorp Place, 259 George Street, Sydney on 12 November 2015 at 11.00am


The company lodges its annual report 2015.


In a positive step towards resumption of trading, a Notice of Meeting on 22 October 2015 has been sent to all shareholders. The notice invites them to consider and approve steps in the restructuring process to enable Raptis Group Limited to apply to recommence trading on the ASX. This first meeting brings up to date annual meetings for the years from 2008 to 2014, and the issue of shares as part of the restructure. A second meeting in November 2015 is anticipated to complete the funding and other requirements for resumption of trading on the ASX. The resumption of trading as a listed entity will provide an opportunity for creditors who accepted shares in the restructure to recover value in the future.


Notice is hereby given that the 2008 to 2014 Annual General Meetings of Raptis Group Limited (Company) will be held at the office of Russell Bedford Chartered Accountants Level 29 Suncorp Place 259 George Street Sydney on 22 October 2015 at 11.00am.


releases various financial reports


RPG refers to an article on page 42 of the Gold Coast Bulletin published on 13 October 2014 and advises as follows: · Shares have not yet been issued but another step towards resumption of trading is underway. · Letters have been sent to those entitled to participate in the distributions. · These letters request consent for the person to become a shareholder of Raptis Group Limited. · When processed these will then be provided to the share registry to arrange for the share distribution. · As previously announced a total of 40 million shares will be distributed under the agreements with Creditors


The company is in the process of applying to resume trading and return value to shareholders. Equity funding is available and a development site is currently in hand to relaunch the company


Raptis Group construction company Rapcivic Contractors Pty Ltd Administrators today announced that an $11.6 million claim against the company from the Australian Tax Office has been eliminated. In a report to creditors, administrators Brian Silvia and Andrew Cummins of BRI Ferrier said that in co-operation with the Raptis management team, the claim had been eliminated and a GST refund of $302,000 received


The Group has appealed to the Full Bench of the Federa totally eliminate a proof of debt appeal was heard on March 1 Federal Court in due course. Proceedings for a damages claim against Capital Finance Australia Limited resulting from their actions in 2008 are being prepared.


company confirms the sale of a 50% interest held via a Joint Venture Company with City Pacific Limited in Mariners Cove at Main Beach on the Gold Coast


company updates the position of creditors and shareholders and its attempts to return the company to operational status - this appears to have been a release by the company - somewhat unusual - is the company still not in administration? - in the absence of any of the usual advice to the market from administrators, it is preferable we guess to hear from someone, even if not the official source


it appears the company is taking the initiative in providing an update of various actions - the BRI Ferrier administrators have still not provided information to shareholders via ASX


we note that there has been no release to the market about the situation of this company for more than six months - the administrators Brian Silvia and Andrew Cummins of BRI Ferrier appear to have overlooked the fact that it is a public listed company


you would never know this company was in external administration by looking at its website - but who cares?


at a meeting today creditors approved a Creditors Trust Deed


there is to be a meeting on 18 September to consider a Creditors Trust Deed


administrator advises that receivers have been appointed to the Sheraton Hotel on the Gold Coast


administrators obtain Creditor approval for the restructure of the Gold Coast- based listed holding company of Jim Raptis the Raptis Group Limited ("RGL") - the restructure, approved by Creditors follows the negotiation of a settlement with the Group's banking syndicate claims which totalled in excess of $940M - the restructure involves issuing of 35 million shares to RGL Creditors and 5 million shares to Creditors of Rapcivic Contractors Pty Limited a subsidiary


apparently creditors approve a deed of company arrangement - the company restructure was also approved and a statement is expected to be issued on Tuesday 31 March 2009


administrators report that they are selling the various assets of the group


administrators releases second report to creditors


Cira International Pty Ltd (Cira), a joint venture company 50% owned by CP1 Limited and the Raptis Group, announces that the Receivers of Cira have entered into a Put and Call Option Agreement (Agreement) to sell the land immediately to the north of the Gold Coast International Hotel at Ferny Avenue, Surfers Paradise (the Land) - should the terms of the Put and Call Option Agreement be exercised by the respective parties, then settlement is expected late this year


appoints Brian Silvia and Andrew Cummins of BRI Ferrier (NSW) Pty. Ltd. as joint administrators to Raptis Group Limited


Metway Bank appoints a receiver to a controlled entity Jeryan Pty Limited


company confirms the group is dependent on the support of its financiers


Brian Silva and Andrew Cummins of BRI Ferrier (NSW) Pty Ltd are appointed administrators to a controlled entity Rapcivic Contractors Pty Ltd


a Receiver is appointed to SPC Residential Management Pty Ltd


Raptis Group today announced it has reached an agreement in principle with Brookfield Multiplex whereby Brookfield Multiplex will assist Raptis to "deliver" the Hilton project (why didn't they just engage Fedex?)


the company refers to an article on page 51 of the Brisbane Courier Mail on 20 September, 2008 and advises that the controlled entity Rapcivic Contractors Pty Ltd is not expecting to require a building licence over the next year - the Southport Central project no longer requires the Rapcivic Contractors Pty Ltd building licence due to the appointment of a receiver - negotiations in respect of the Hilton Surfers Paradise Hotel and Residences project indicate that another licencee will complete construction of this project - the Raptis Group is currently focusing on the sale of assets and the reduction of debt


a subsidiary of RPG, in a joint venture with CP1 Limited settles the sale of the Gold Coast International Hotel for $56.5m


shares suspended from quotation pending an announcement


shares reinstated to quotation following lodgement of the company's financial reports


shares suspended from quotation following failure to lodge with ASX, the company's financial reports to 31 December 2005


lodges Half Yearly Report and Half Year Accounts



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Is the company recruiting professionals abroad,or is it a scam as there are people posing as Dr Jeff Farrell HR Management promising people with jobs and it involves some monies paid for regional panel assessment certificate? 20/11/2015 23:15:29

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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)


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    Directors & Executives (current)

    James RaptisChairman, CEO, Company Secretary08/10/1990
    Malcolm CoryCFO, Company Secretary17/05/2015
    Helen RaptisDirector19/06/2009

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)


    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.