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Computershare Perth
Level 17, 221 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details

ISIN: AU0000126468
Address: 37-39 Robinson Ave Belmont, WA 6104
Tel:  1300 436 110Fax: 08 6477 3608

Date first listed: 18/02/2021

Sector: 45102030 - Internet Services & Infrastructure 
Activities: The development of cloud, network, security, and data centre technology offering Hybrid-Cloud services and end-to-end information technology solutions to customers

News & Events

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The voluntary suspension will continue. It is intended that the suspension will end by the release of an announcement to the ASX by the commencement of trading on Thursday 31 October 2024 or earlier. The proposed transaction is significant and demanding. We continue to make good progress and the directors are satisfied with achievements to date.


The company releases an Appendix 4G.


The company lodges its Appendix 4E and Annual Report 30-Jun-24.


The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at 2:30pm Western Standard Time (WST) on Thursday 28 November 2024. The closing date for director nominations is 17 October 2024 and all nominations, including the signed consent of the candidates, must be received by the Company at its registered office, on or before that date.


The company releases a notification regarding unquoted securities.


It is intended that the suspension will end by the release of an announcement to the ASX by the commencement of trading on Monday 30 September 2024 or earlier. The proposed transaction is significant and demanding. The company continues to make good progress and the directors are satisfied with achievements to date.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report and Appendix 4C Jun-24.


The company releases a notification regarding unquoted securities.


The company has continued its voluntary suspension, with plans to end it by releasing an announcement to the ASX by the commencement of trading on 15 August 2024 or earlier, due to the significant and demanding proposed transaction.


The company releases a notification regarding unquoted securities.


The Company has executed convertible note agreements for the issue of a total of 7.8 million convertible notes each with a face value of $0.10 each to raise a total of $730,000 from unrelated parties of the Company being Sophisticated, wholesale, professional investors or other investors exempt from offer document disclosure by way of section 708 of the Corporations Act and $50,000 from Directors


It is intended that the suspension will end by the release of an announcement to the ASX by the commencement of trading on Monday 24 June 2024 or earlier. The proposed transaction is significant and demanding. We continue to make good progress and the directors are satisfied with achievements to date.


It is intended that the suspension will end by the release of an announcement to the ASX by the commencement of trading on Monday 3 June 2024 or earlier. The project to complete the transaction contemplated is ongoing and directors are pleased with progress.


The company lodges its Quarterly Activities Report and Appendix 4C.


The securities of Nexion Group Ltd will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of NNG, pending the release of an announcement in relation to a material acquisition.


listed entity carried for record purposes only



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    ASX, Legal & CGT Status

    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    28/08/2023Chris Daly332,600$0.015$5,000
    16/06/2022Peter Christie189,235$0.069$13,103
    26/05/2022Paul Glass59,090$0.068$3,999

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)

    Peter ChristieExecutive Chairman, Interim CEO18/02/2021
    Chris DalyNon Exec Director18/02/2021
    John BellDirector, CFO26/08/2022
    Jack TobyCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Paul GlassDirector, CEO18/02/202102/02/2023
    Kevin ReadAlternate Director, COO18/02/202102/02/2023
    Evelyn HoggCFO05/10/202126/08/2022
    Domenic PapalucaCFO18/02/202105/10/2021

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.