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Computershare Perth
Level 17, 221 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
Tel : +61 (0)3 9415 4000 or 1300 850 505 (within Australia)
Fax : +61 3 9473 2500
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Company details

ISIN: AU000000GMD9
Address: Level 7, 40 The Esplanade Perth WA 6000
Tel:  +61 8 6323 9050Fax: 08 9481 2335

Date first listed: 02/08/2007

Sector: Materials Industry Group: XMJ
Activities: Base metal, gold, nickel and uranium exploration

News & Events

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The suspension of trading in the securities of Genesis Minerals Limited will be lifted immediately following the release by GMD of an announcement regarding a potential adjustment to the structure of the transaction with St Barbara Limited announced on 12 December 2022.


For completeness, Genesis announces further information in relation to the Mineral Resource and Ore Reserves in relation to St Barbara's Leonora assets.


The company releases a notice of proposed issue of securities.


The company releases a presentation on the acquisition of St Barbara's Leonora assets.


The Company has entered into a binding agreement with St Barbara Limited to acquire St Barbara's Leonora assets in Western Australia. The asset purchase replaces the previously announced scheme of arrangement with St Barbara and the scheme implementation deed between the parties has been terminated. Genesis has received firm commitments to raise A$470 million (before costs) at a price of A$1.15 per share via a two-tranche placement of fully paid ordinary shares to professional and sophisticated investors.


The Company has not concluded discussions on the potential adjustment to the structure of the Proposed Transaction. However, discussions between the parties are progressing. The Company requests that the voluntary suspension remains in place until Monday 17 April 2023, or otherwise when an announcement regarding the status of the Proposed Transaction can be made.


The securities of Genesis Minerals Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of GMD, pending the release of an announcement regarding the status of the transaction with St Barbara Limited announced on 12 December 2022.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Genesis Minerals Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by GMD of an announcement regarding acquisition of tenements.


The company releases an entitlement issue cleansing notice.


The company releases an offer document for a non-renounceable pro-rata entitlement offer of New Shares at an issue price of A$0.042 each, on the basis of one (1) New Share for every six (6) Shares held on the Record Date.


The company issues a notice of Proposed issue of Securities - GMD.


The company releases an Investor Presentation - Kookynie Acquisition.


Genesis announces landmark ~$19.5m capital raising to support its acquisition of the Kookynie Gold Project. Firm commitments received for a Placement to raise $10 million. Genesis to undertake a 1-for-6 non-renounceable fully underwritten Entitlement Offer to raise ~$9.5 million (before costs). Offer price of $0.042 represents a discount of 10.6% to the last close of $0.047 per share and a discount of 10.7% to the 5 day VWAP of $0.04704 per share. The proceeds will be used to fund the acquisition of the Kookynie Gold Project, for exploration and feasibility study activities on Genesis' projects and for general working capital purposes.


Genesis enters binding agreement to acquire the Kookynie Gold Project, located immediately south-east of its flagship Ulysses Gold Project near Leonora in WA. The tenement package includes a JORC 2012 Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resource of 8.53Mt at 1.5g/t Au for 414,000oz. As a result of the acquisition, the total Mineral Resource of the Greater Ulysses Project will increase to 17Mt at 2.34g/t Au for 1.28Moz, providing a strong foundation for the next stage of Genesis' development as a future mid-tier Australian gold company. A Feasibility Study will commence immediately on a larger standalone gold project at Ulysses which will be fed by both underground and open pit ore sources, with the study due to be completed in Q1 CY2021. The study will incorporate the significant feasibility work already completed on mining the Ulysses Deposit. Genesis to be fully funded to aggressively drill and complete a Feasibility Study by raising up to ~A$19.5m at a price of 4.2c per share. The acquisition consolidates Genesis' ownership of a key segment of the highly prospective gold corridor between Ulysses and Orient Well that hosts the 867,000oz1 Ulysses deposit. Acquisition consideration is A$13.5M, comprising a A$3M upfront cash and share payment with the full balance of A$10.5M due in six months, plus a 1% net smelter royalty (NSR) capped at A$5M. Infrastructure included in the acquisition includes access roads, haul roads and a fully permitted bore field. All of the Resources are located on granted Mining Leases.


The Company requeststhat the extension to the voluntary suspension be effective immediately and remain in place until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on Wednesday 24 June 2020, or the release of an announcement in relation to a major transaction for acquisition of tenements.


The Company requests that the extension to the voluntary suspension be effective immediately and remain in place until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on Tuesday 23 June 2020, or the release of an announcement regarding the major transaction for acquisition of tenements.


The securities of Genesis Minerals Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of GMD, pending the release of an announcement regarding an acquisition of tenements.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Genesis Minerals Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately, following the release by the Company of an announcement regarding completion of mining agreements and a capital raising.


Mining will commence at Ulysses West in late September after the Company entered into a Mining Alliance Agreement with SMS Innovative Mining, a Toll Milling Agreement with Paddington Gold and the delivery of a positive Feasibility Study.


The company has commenced a capital raising by way of a Placement to sophisticated and professional investors. The Placement is being conducted under the Company's current 25% capacity in line with ASX listing rules 7.1 and 7.1A.


The securities of Genesis Minerals Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from official quotation immediately at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement in relation to a proposed mining operations contract.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Genesis Minerals Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately following receipt of an announcement relating to a capital raising. Security Code: GMD


Genesis completes fund raising for Ulysses Project with strong support from existing Shareholders. The placement will be completed at $0.01, a premium to current market share price. Resource drilling will commence in August with a mining study on Ulysses to be completed by December 2015. The company is targeting open pit production in 2016. Drilling at Ulysses has previously returned significant, unmined, high-grade gold results. The project contains an initial shallow resource of 138,000 ounces of gold which is untested at depth and along strike.


Genesis Minerals Limited ("˜the Company') requests an extension to the Voluntary Suspension granted on 16 July 2015 in the trading of the Company's quoted securities. The Company expects the Voluntary Suspension to last until the announcement detailing the completion of a capital raising, now expected to be no later than the commencement of trading on Thursday 23 July 2015


The securities of Genesis Minerals Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from official quotation immediately at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement. Security Code: GMD


The suspension of trading in the securities of Genesis Minerals Limited (the "Company") will be lifted immediately following receipt of an announcement regarding a capital raising and asset renegotiation. Security Code: GMD


Genesis Minerals Ltd (ASX: GMD) ("˜Genesis' or the "˜Company') is pleased to announce it is raising $1.33 million by way of an ordinary share placement to sophisticated investors (the "Ordinary Placement") and a further US$250,000 placement to Teck (the "Teck Placement") (collectively, the "Placements").


The securities of Genesis Minerals Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending release of an announcement. Security Code: GMD


securities reinstated to quotation


securities suspended from quotation pending an announcement



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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    20/12/2023Raleigh Finlayson-2,000,000$1.728$3,455,364
    11/07/2023Michael Wilkes168,067$1.191$200,240
    07/07/2023Anthony Kiernan75,000$1.190$89,232
    18/04/2023Anthony Kiernan35,000$1.234$43,205
    16/12/2022Anthony Kiernan75,000$1.256$94,212

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)

    Anthony KiernanNon Exec Chairman, Independent Director01/10/2022
    Raleigh FinlaysonManaging Director21/02/2022
    Gerry KaczmarekNon Exec Director20/03/2018
    Michael WilkesNon Exec Director01/10/2022
    Michael BowenNon Exec Director19/11/2021
    Jacqueline MurrayNon Exec Director03/07/2023
    Karen LloydNon Exec Director01/04/2024
    Geoff JamesCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Tommy McKeithNon Exec Chairman29/11/201830/09/2022
    Neville PowerNon Exec Director19/11/202130/09/2022
    Michael FowlerManaging Director, CEO16/04/200721/02/2022
    Nicholas EarnerNon Exec Director24/10/201919/11/2021
    Craig BradshawNon Exec Director07/09/201719/11/2021
    Richard HillNon Exec Chairman12/02/201329/11/2018
    Darren GordonNon Exec Director23/03/201610/05/2018
    Damian DelaneyDirector20/09/201223/03/2016
    Michael HaynesChairman04/07/200712/02/2013
    Graeme SmithDirector24/05/200721/03/2012

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.