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Boardroom Pty Ltd
Level 8, 210 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Tel : +61 2 9290 9600 or 1300 737 760
Fax : +61 2 9279 0664 or 1300 653 459
RegistryWebsite RegistryEmail

Company details

ISIN: AU000000ELT2
Address: Level 7, 167 Eagle Street Brisbane QLD 4000
Tel:  +61 7 2111 1110Fax: +61 7 3212 6250

Date first listed: 23/12/2009

Sector: Materials Industry Group: XMJ
Activities: The Company is an exploration company which holds options to acquire rights to a number of mineral exploration properties in Argentina and Australia and has conducted limited exploration on these properties

News & Events

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The suspension of trading in the securities of Elementos Limited will be lifted immediately following the release by ELT of an announcement regarding the regulatory approvals for to the Oropesa Tin Project in Spain.


MESPA received correspondence from the local department considering its Environmental Application, stating that they considered elements of the proposed mining project and treatment plant to be not fully compatible with certain environmental regulations in the form submitted and has provided MESPA with 15 business days to make further submissions in respect of the non-compatible elements, prior to making a decision. Since receiving the correspondence, Elementos has been working with its Spanish advisors and local authorities to clarify and better understand the communications and its impact on the Project and plan the pathway forward. Elementos will delay the final release of Oropesa's Definitive Feasibility Study to ensure any required changes to the scope of the project align with the expectations of authorities and to enable it to focus on MESPA's response to the Department's correspondence.


The Company requests that the suspension remain in place until such time as Elementos makes an announcement to the market in relation to the regulatory approvals relating to the Company's Oropesa Project in Spain. The Company currently expects that the suspension will remain in place until the above announcement is made, which Elementos expects it will be in a position to do on or before commencement of trading on Monday 19 June 2023. While the Company had originally anticipated being in a position to update the market today, Friday 16 June, 2023, the Company is not yet in a position to do so.


The securities of Elementos Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of ELT, pending the release of an announcement regarding a regulatory approvals update concerning the Oropesa Project in Spain.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Elementos Limited will be lifted at the commencement of trading on Monday, 2 June 2014 following receipt of an announcement in connection with a clarification statement. Security Code: ELT


Elementos Limited requests an extension to the suspension of its securities from quotation as per ASX Listing Rule 17.2, pending ASIC clarification in relation to the reporting of Production Targets and forecast financial information contained in the "Elementos Delivers Positive Cleveland Tin Mine PFS" announcement dated 22 April 2014, and the "Cleveland PFS and Project Update" announcement dated 9 May 2014.


The securities of Elementos Limited (the "Company") will be suspended from quotation immediately, at the request of the Company, pending an announcement in relation to a clarification statement. Security Code: ELT



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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    17/08/2023Andrew Greig400,000$0.150$60,120
    11/08/2023Andrew Greig400,000$0.142$56,880
    07/08/2023Andrew Greig200,000$0.150$30,000
    07/02/2023Calvin Treacy17,500$0.300$5,250
    27/10/2022Joe David65,000$0.300$19,500

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)

    Andrew GreigNon Exec Chairman30/10/2015
    Joe DavidManaging Director, CEO12/04/2021
    Calvin TreacyNon Exec Director22/10/2013
    Corey NolanExecutive Director24/07/2007
    Duncan CornishCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Brett SmithNon Exec Director24/01/202026/05/2023
    Christopher DunksExecutive Director04/11/201526/11/2021
    Chris CreaghCEO01/01/201709/04/2020
    Linda ScottCFO21/03/201102/05/2019
    Tim McManusCEO29/09/201407/07/2016
    Richard AnthonNon Exec Chairman01/01/201530/10/2015
    Richard SevilleNon Exec Director22/10/201326/10/2015
    Anthony McLellanChairman19/10/200922/10/2013
    James CalawayNon Exec Director18/01/201122/10/2013
    Mark McCauleyDirector08/10/201006/08/2013
    Neil StuartNon Exec Director24/07/200719/11/2011

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.