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Company details

ISIN: AU000000CYL6
Address: Level 1 30 Richardson Street West Perth WA 6005
Tel:  (08) 6107 5878Fax: (08) 9284 5426

Date first listed: 26/07/2006

Sector: Materials Industry Group: XMJ
Activities: Mineral explorer (molybdenum)whose prime focus is the Minnie Creek project located 242 km north east of Carnarvon in Western Australia

News & Events

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The suspension of trading in the securities of Catalyst Metals Limited will be lifted immediately, following the release by CYL of an announcement regarding a material capital raising and project acquisition.


The company releases an Investor and capital raising presentation.


The company issued a notice of Proposed issue of Securities - CYL.


Outstanding drill results at Boyd's Dam during 2020 continue. Major exploration programs totalling c. A$16 million to drill 80,000m in next 12 months across Catalyst's standout high grade Victorian gold projects. Catalyst to acquire the Henty Gold Mine and associated Tasmanian exploration tenements from Diversified Minerals. High grade, fully operational gold mine in major mineral province (8Moz historical production) with significant operational and near mine exploration upside. Proven production asset with a cumulative production history of 1.4Moz at 8.9g/t Au and a track record of replacing mined ounces. JORC compliant Mineral Resource of 2.4mt @ 4.3g/t Au for 334kozs of contained gold. Recent exploration drilling restarted at Henty post the JORC Resource estimation has delivered high grade gold intersections in the upper part of the mine near existing development. Catalyst to leverage exploration expertise with 40,000m drilling program in first 12 months to target high grade, upper proportion of mine to expand high grade inventory. Highly attractive acquisition metric of A$60 per JORC Resource ounce based on upfront A$20.0 million consideration comprising a staged payment of A$12.0 million cash and A$8.0 million in Catalyst shares. Additional deferred contingent payment of up to A$5.0 million based on mine cashflow in first 12 months. Acquisition immediately transforms Catalyst into a high-grade gold producer with a premier exploration growth platform across Bendigo, Victoria and Henty, Tasmania. Various growth initiatives including major exploration programs at Boyd's Dam and Henty and the Acquisition to be funded via a single tranche Placement to raise approximately A$18.0 million (before costs), a Share Purchase Plan offer of approximately A$2.0 million to existing shareholders and existing cash reserves. Placement well supported by major shareholder and Joint Venture partner St Barbara Limited, in proportion to its shareholding, alongside the introduction of new institutional investors and Kirkland Lake Gold Ltd, the owner of the Fosterville Gold Mine in Victoria. SPP to raise approximately A$2.0 million at the placement price will be offered to eligible shareholders. All of Catalyst's Directors intend to participate in the SPP to the maximum extent possible. Following completion of the Acquisition and Capital Raising, Catalyst to emerge with a strong cash position of up to A$24.6 million and no hedging and no debt.


The securities of Catalyst Metals Limited will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of CYL, pending the release of an announcement regarding a capital raising and project acquisition.


listed entity carried for record purposes only



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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    18/04/2024James Champion de Crespigny1,333,333$0.750$1,000,000
    18/04/2024David Jones66,666$0.753$50,165
    25/08/2023Bruce Kay50,000$0.532$26,582
    09/06/2022Robin Scrimgeour24,482$1.466$35,894
    22/03/2022Robin Scrimgeour50,000$1.904$95,207

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)

    David JonesNon Exec Chairman02/10/2023
    James Champion de CrespignyManaging Director12/11/2021
    John McKinstryCEO04/10/2021
    Donna ThorntonCFO27/02/2023
    Bruce KayNon Exec Director10/02/2011
    Robin ScrimgeourNon Exec Director01/09/2009
    Frank CampagnaCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    Stephen BostonChairman01/09/200908/08/2023
    John ArbuckleCFO01/05/200913/05/2022
    Gary SchwabNon Exec Director08/12/200912/11/2021
    Bruce RobertsonCEO24/12/202004/10/2021
    Mark ThompsonNon Exec Director22/05/200625/09/2009
    Nathan McMahonNon Exec Chairman27/07/200701/09/2009
    Bryan DixonNon Exec Director27/07/200701/09/2009
    Malcolm CarsonNon Exec Director07/06/200703/08/2007
    Howard DawsonNon Exec Chairman21/03/200627/07/2007
    Jim MaloneNon Exec Director21/03/200627/07/2007

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.