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ISIN: AU0000150351
Address: Suite 4, Level 35, Melbourne Central Tower 360 Elizabeth Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000
Tel:  +61 3 8375 9626

Date first listed: 08/10/2021

Activities: Gold exploration

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The suspension of trading in the securities of Besra Gold Inc. is expected to be lifted from the commencement of trading on Wednesday, 17 July 2024 following the release by BEZ of an announcement regarding funding from Quantum Metal Recovery Inc.


Besra advises that despite Quantum's considerable efforts and confirmations that the US$9.8m will be remitted, unfortunately (as of today) these funds have not been received by Besra. Both parties have agreed to terminate the December 2023 contract note for the delivery by Besra to Quantum pursuant to the Gold Purchase Agreement of 98,140 ounces of gold at a price of US$2,002.82 per ounce. Besra confirms that the GPA has not been cancelled or terminated and that Quantum can make additional monthly payments pursuant to the GPA.


The Voluntary Suspension Extension is requested pending an announcement concerning the receipt by Besra of US$9,827,854.60 in funding from Quantum Metal Recovery Inc. The Company expects the suspension to end on or prior to the commencement of trading on Wednesday 17 July 2024. It is expected that the release of an announcement confirming the receipt by Besra of US$9,827,854.60 in funding from Quantum Metal Recovery Inc will result in the end of the suspension.


The Voluntary Suspension Extension is requested pending an announcement concerning funding from Quantum Metal Recovery Inc. The Company expects the suspension to end on or prior to the commencement of trading on Wednesday 10 July 2024. It is expected that the release of an announcement concerning funding from Quantum Metal Recovery Inc will result in the end of the suspension.


The company releases a statement of CDIs on issue.


The Company expects the suspension to end on or prior to the commencement of trading on Wednesday 3 July 2024. It is expected that the release of an announcement concerning funding from Quantum Metal Recovery Inc will result in the end of the suspension.


The company has requested a Voluntary Suspension Extension for its securities, pending an announcement about funding from Quantum Metal Recovery Inc. The suspension is expected to end on or before trading commencement on June 26, 2024. BEZ is not aware of any reason why the suspension should not be granted and has no other information to inform the market about the suspension.


The securities of Besra Gold Inc. will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of BEZ, pending the release of an announcement in relation to funding from Quantum Metal Recovery Inc.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Besra Gold Inc. will be lifted immediately, following the release by BEZ of an announcement in relation to funding from Quantum Metal Recovery Inc.


The company has received US$10,000,000 from Quantum Metal Recovery Inc in accordance with the terms and conditions US$300 million Gold Purchase Agreement. Pursuant to the Facility, Besra has now received a total of US$15,000,000 from Quantum, consisting of today's US$10,000,000 initial drawdown, and an earlier deposit of US$5,000,000. Besra is entitled to deploy the proceeds of the Facility for a variety of uses, including exploration, mine development purposes, working capital and feasibility studies. Commissioning the pilot plant and updating the 2012 Jugan Feasibility Study leading to commercial development, are Besra's current primary objectives.


The company releases a notice of application for quotation of securities.


The securities of Besra Gold Inc. will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of BEZ, pending the release of an announcement in relation to funding from Quantum Metal Recovery Inc.


The suspension of trading in the securities of Besra Gold Inc will be lifted from the commencement of trading on Tuesday, 21 March 2023, following the release by BEZ of an announcement regarding a gold offtake purchase facility term sheet.


The company releases a notice of proposed issue of securities.


Up to US$300m gold pre-purchase and offtake non-binding drawdown funding facility term sheet, signed with major shareholder Quantum Metal Recovery Inc, which Besra believes to be one of the largest deals of its kind signed by an ASX listed junior. Post-completion the Facility provides up to a US$300m deposit, to be paid over 30 months against future production ounces, enabling Besra to fully fund production at Bau and the appraisal of other deposits within the Bau goldfield corridor. The Facility is expected to remove the need for dilutive equity financing and project/corporate debt encumbering Besra with hedging requirements and/or onerous covenants and is expected to be delivered at up to US$10m/month. Subject to the receipt by Besra of the proposed US$10m/month, the Facility is to be settled by way of delivery to Quantum of up to 3m ounces of gold according to an agreed percentage of production at an agreed floating gold reference price, but subject to a Floor Price. Subject to draw-down under the Facility, Besra will be funded to immediately commence an update of the previous feasibility studies1 with initial results of this work due in the 2H CY23. Upon implementation of a pilot plant and further successful updates to the feasibility studies, Besra plans to utilise the funds raised to commence commercial-scale production within 12-18 months. Quantum is one of the largest gold distributors in Malaysia. In its capacity as a bullion dealer (like all other dealers and brokers), Quantum conducts its business by linking bullion buyers with bullion sellers via, inter alia, its long standing consignment agreements and bullion dealing networks. As such, Quantum's bullion acquisition obligations are matched by Quantum simultaneously putting in place back to back contracts or third party purchase agreements sufficient to offset Quantum's bullion purchasing obligations. Subject to satisfying all conditions precedent, Besra expects the transaction to be completed within the 2nd Quarter CY23.


Besra expects the voluntary suspension to remain in place until the earlier of such time as it makes the Offtake Announcement or the commencement of trading on 24 March 2023. Besra expects the voluntary suspension will end by the Company making an announcement.


The company lodges its December 2022 Interim Financial Report.


Besra expects the voluntary suspension to remain in place until the earlier of such time as it makes the Offtake Announcement or the commencement of trading on 20 March 2023. Besra expects the voluntary suspension will end by the Company making an announcement.


The securities of Besra Gold Inc. will be suspended from quotation immediately under Listing Rule 17.2, at the request of BEZ, pending the release of an announcement by BEZ confirming an executed gold offtake purchase facility terms sheet.


it appears this company was delisted from ASX on 31 August 2015 and following completion of a successful Australian initial public offer (IPO) that raised gross proceeds of A$10 million (US$7.3 million) has relisted


listed entity carried for record purposes only



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    Directors' on-market share transactions (last 5)

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    Purchases Sales

    02/08/2024Chang Lee112,385$0.089$10,002
    26/07/2023Jocelyn Bennett-2,430,598$0.309$750,023
    14/04/2023Jocelyn Bennett-2,250,000$0.224$504,998
    28/11/2022Andrew Worland450,000$0.060

    Click here for the last 20 transactions all companies

    Directors & Executives (current)

    Lim SoonNon Exec Chairman28/09/2023
    Raymond ShawCOO01/10/2021
    Renee MinchinCFO15/08/2024
    Jon MordaNon Exec Director08/10/2021
    Chang LeeExecutive Director28/09/2023
    Michael HigginsonCompany Secretary

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.

    Directors & Executives (former)

    John SetonExecutive Director08/10/202122/12/2023
    Paul IngramNon Exec Director08/10/202128/09/2023
    Jocelyn BennettNon Exec Chairman22/02/202301/08/2023
    Andrew WorlandNon Exec Chairman08/10/202113/12/2022
    Mark EatonNon Exec Director08/10/202118/11/2022
    Robert DunneNon Exec Director08/10/202118/11/2022

    Date of first appointment, title may have changed.